Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Russian Ministry Of Defence Uses Screen Grabs From A Video Game To Prove That The U.S Is Assisting ISIS

Propaganda: The Russian ministry of defence today claimed it had 'irrefutable evidence' the US is helping ISIS in the Middle East - and backed up its claim by posting pictures from a computer game. But they are actually scenes from AC-130 Gunship Simulator, a mobile video game produced by Byte Conveyor Studios and uploaded to YouTube in March 2015

Daily Mail: Russian MOD releases 'irrefutable' evidence that the US is helping ISIS…that turns out to be screen grabs from a VIDEO GAME

* Russia claimed it had solid proof that the US was supporting ISIS in Middle East
* But its evidence was based on photographs from a mobile phone video game
* Images now been removed after the crass attempt at deception was spotted
* Russian defence ministry said a civil servant had 'erroneously attached' images
* Comes after PM May warned Russia the West is aware of its fake news campaign

The Russian ministry of defence today claimed it had 'irrefutable evidence' the US is helping ISIS in the Middle East - and backed up its claim by posting pictures from a computer game.

Russia claimed the pictures showed that the US-led coalition was working together with ISIS troops 'to promote American interests' in the Middle East.

But they are actually scenes from AC-130 Gunship Simulator, a mobile video game produced by Byte Conveyor Studios and uploaded to YouTube in March 2015.

A now-deleted Facebook statement went further, claiming the footage was captured by Russian drones on November 9.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: TASS has issued a Russian government explanation .... Defense Ministry provides explanation on wrong photos attached to Abu Kamal statement (TASS). What's my take .... oopppssss!


Anonymous said...

This kind of crap used to work. Thank God for the internet.

D.Plowman said...

Mobile phone game in question is not out and has long been stuck in development hell and is quite obscure to the point that only now are people hearing about it due to this.

But I also don't believe that regardless of how obscure it is, there is always someone more clever than you on the internet and that the Russians would be far too stupid to deliberately attach such erroneous photos that leave such a digital trail on the internet.

And then I read their official statement as to why this happened, and think... Hmm, maybe they're that stupid.

But I think there is some truth in what they say. I've always felt that the US had and continues to do little in regards to ISIS, especially under Obama. Trump has been an improvement at least.

War News Updates Editor said...

D. Plowman.
They are that stupid. Which is one reason among many on why I am skeptical on this entire Russian collusion narrative.