Sunday, November 12, 2017

Russian President Putin Remarks On The Mueller's Investigation Of Paul Manafort

Russia's President Vladimir Putin attends the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Danang, Vietnam November 11, 2017. REUTERS/Jorge Silva

The Hill: Putin denies connection to Manafort, Wilbur Ross

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday denied any connections between his country and President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, claiming that such ties are false rumors being propagated by the U.S. leader's political opponents.

During a briefing at the conclusion of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam, Putin also dismissed reports that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross holds a stake in a company that does business with a Russian company with possible ties to the Russian president's son-in-law, according to multiple reports.

"This is nothing more than business. It never had and does not have any relation with politics," Putin said, according to The Associated Press.

Read more ....

Update #1: Putin: alleged Manafort Russian link fabricated by Trump opponents (Reuters)
Update #2: Vladimir Putin says 'absurd' election meddling claims are designed to hurt Donald Trump (Independent)

WNU Editor: Russian President Putin's statement on Manafort and that his relatives were not involved in the U.S. campaign is interesting .... why say it in the first place? On a side note, blogger Prairie Pundit has an interesting proposal .... what Putin should do is round up the sources for the Christopher Steele dirty dossier on Donald Trump and submit them to interrogation by the FBI. This Hillary Clinton paid-for Russian dossier is the reason and root of all the Russian collusion allegations and subsequent investigations since it was first leaked and published about a year ago .... it is also the reason why U.S - Russian relations are in a deep freeze .... so let us hear from the sources that Christopher Steele used. After-all .... Christopher Steele did give a heads-up on who he used .... How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier (Vanity Fair).


Anonymous said...

so if the clinton camp had this dirt on trump, why not use it and win the election?

makes no sense

fred said...

1. Does not matter who paid for Steele document...what matters is verocity of what it says.
2. dumb notion from Prairie pundit that Putin should bother rounding up people etc...this is an American issue that may be or may not be connected to Russia and therefore is for America to deal with.
3. Relations have been in deep freeze since Ukraine thing, and election tampering allegations, etc. We have sanctions and Trump gop put those sanctions in place

D.Plowman said...

"Does not matter who paid for Steele document...what matters is verocity of what it says."

Wait, what...

Did I just read that right? I had to do a double-take there...

Are you saying that it doesn't matter who the sources are, it doesn't matter who paid for it, all that matters is what it says? Cause that's what I read from your statement... What your basically saying is anyone can put together a dossier on Trump and say what they like and not be subject to scrutiny because it all supports your opinion and view of Trump, right?

Because as long as the dossier supports your agenda, I mean, why bother interrogating the sources of this dossier, why even bother searching for truth. Lets just take it all as fact and be done with it!

Here! *Tosses a dossier at Fred* "That's a dossier that says Trump is a space alien and his hairpiece is actually a cleverly concealed satellite dish for communicating with his space buddies! Don't bother fact checking it, its all true!"

Unknown said...

#2 is a Great idea. It is like chain of custody.

After we talked to MR Steele, we would like to follow the thread and see who he talked to. We question them and see if they are reliable and maybe get more evidence such as credit card receipts, phone records, etc.

We do need to see the tapes and analyze them for tampering.

We need to give the same penalty or more to what people wanted to do to Trump and others.

"1. Does not matter who paid for Steele document...what matters is verocity of what it says."

Somehow that did not work with the Hillary email scandal nor the DNC hack. The contents of the emails did not matter to Liberals. What mattered to our dear benighted Hillary voters is who got o hold of the emails and how.

"Hillary Clinton campaign blames leaked DNC emails about Sanders on Russia"
#3 I guess old age is a bitch.

Problems with Russia started before Ukraine ' Georgia, the Baltic States ...

War News Updates Editor said...

Th veracity of what the dossier says ....

The dossier's allegation that President Trump had escorts pee on the bed that apparently the Obama's slept in .... and all of this source material coming from a person who worked in the hotel and who heard it from someone else .... is junk. How can one disprove an allegation like that .... better still .... how can one say that this allegation is true because it cannot be disproved?

With the passage of time, my viewpoint on this entire issue is becoming hardcore. To begin .... I have to give Hillary Clinton credit for pulling one of the dirtiest tricks in U.S. political history. Hiring a smear outfit (Fusion, headed by Glenn Simpson) to put together ludicrous claims via through Christopher Steele with no proof (but the use of anonymous sources), leak it to willing press cohorts, from David Corn at Mother Jones and Michael Isikoff at Yahoo News ... who then push the story that U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump advisor and Kremlin that other media outlets pick up on. And after generating this nonsense ... hand it to the FBI ... where from then Hillary Clinton spins her oppo research as a government investigation into President Trump, that those who hate Donald Trump then eagerly grab onto.

I just cannot make this stuff up.

This all reminds me of a story I heard years ago involving former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson. As a young politician he always enjoyed accusing his opponents of having sex with chickens. But when told by his friends that these remarks were ridiculous .... he agreed .... he knew that it was ridiculous, he just enjoyed seeing his opponents deny that they were having sex with chickens.

This is what is happening now .... and it is working.

Anonymous said...

Lyndon Johnson is probobly together with Bill Clinton the most psychopathic leader in the white house. Trump is an angel compared to those guys.

RussInSoCal said...

Its funny how sanguine and dismissive leftwingers are over bombshell after bombshell on the Democrat party's complicity in attempts to rig the 2016 election.

I guess its just their default self-defense mode/reaction to having their entire fake narrative utterly destroyed.



Anonymous said...

The democrats and establishment republicans are doing the same with those false claims against Roy Moore in the Alabama race. Politics in these days are extremly dirty but still very civilised compared to the Roman empire where assanitation of your political opponent was considered fair play.

Unknown said...

"We have sanctions and Trump gop put those sanctions in place"

It is not hard to spook a herd.

As Rush Limbaugh remarked & I will paraphrase Bob Michels just wanted to get along and the go golf. That was a long time ago.

Things have not got much better. The MSM press beats on people in the opposition party all the time.

Unknown said...

My other comment did not make it.

At least I have the articles I downloaded from Vox and elsewhere.

fred said...

Alas, what I said seems misrepresented. What I said: it does not matter if the Dems paid. What matters is if what they found out, and then was verified by the FBI is what matters. No. I did not say put anything together and that is what counts. What is said needs verification.

fred said...

To Whoever

The Dems may and probably did rig the nomination so Hillary became candidate. That is an internal matter. The charge about Russians rigging an election etc., is matter concerning undermining our national electoral process. If you can not see the difference, then you are seriously lacking common sense

Anonymous said...

If Steele did this to Hillary or Bill Clinton, he would not be living for long.

fred said...

ah, the main stream press...something you no longer read since they conspire against truth and beauty...they are always at fault. they are Alwys lying. wrong. Only you have Truth...from? PJ media, Breitbart, WSJ, etc--they are not msm ...they are special, and they are YOURS

Anonymous said...

HA HA, the big difference is that Hillary cheated and Russia never interfered with anything.

Unknown said...

"The Dems may and probably did rig the nomination so Hillary became candidate."

Baby Step? Nah, he'll reboot. The campaign never refuted it. For the best part of a year we heard about "How did you hear about it?" and "Russia did it." Most do not take the Seth Rich angle seriously. Donna Brazile suspect, but Fred is 'durn' smarter than her! Donna Brazile was worried about a Russian sniper. She was worried about a Clinton one.

"That is an internal matter."

No, it is not. It the Clintons will do this to someone Left of center, they will do worse to someone Right of center.

"ah, the main stream press.."

There are definitions for the MSM. I suggest you read them.

"You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks" - Psychology Today

Question is can you teach an elderly dog new tricks?

No, I do not read the WSJ. That paper is actually worth reading and so it has a serious paywall unlike the NYT.

I do not read FoxNews or Breitbart.

Here is the New York Times, a former newspaper, lying like m_____f___.

"Clapper Confirms: "17 Intelligence Agencies" Russia Story Was False"

"During congressional testimony Wednesday, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper confirmed that the story originally reported by the New York Times that "17 intelligence agencies" confirmed Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 election has been false all along.

Many people assumed at the time that the story had to be fake at least misleading) because to add up to 17 agencies you would have to include some pretty tangentially related organizations, but now we know for sure."

I must ask you FRED. Seeing as the NYT and others ballyhooed that all 17 agencies agreed about the Russian collusion, WTF would Coast Guard Intelligence know about election hacking or the Steele Dossier?

I wait with bated breath your claptrap.

Unknown said...

"This all reminds me of a story I heard years ago involving former U.S. President Lyndon Johnson. As a young politician he always enjoyed accusing his opponents of having sex with chickens. But when told by his friends that these remarks were ridiculous .... he agreed .... he knew that it was ridiculous, he just enjoyed seeing his opponents deny that they were having sex with chickens. " - WNU

There is the story that Larry Flynt, a pornographer, and a chicken told by Larry Flynt.