Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Growing Israeli - Saudi Alliance

NBC: ‘An open secret’: Saudi Arabia and Israel get cozy

WASHINGTON — In the Middle East, your enemy's enemy is your friend.

For Israel, Saudi Arabia's growing willingness to confront Iranian influence in the Middle East presents an opening for an awkward alliance. As the kingdom's dynamic new crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, tries to rally an anti-Iran coalition, Israel — with the blessing of the Trump administration — is presenting itself as a willing and able partner.

The appetite for cooperation between two of America's closest allies in the Middle East has grown in recent years as their security interests have dovetailed. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia view Iran's growing influence in the region as an existential threat and want to squash militant Islamist groups like ISIS and Iran's main proxy, Hezbollah.

A U.S. official who witnessed a Saudi and Israeli official hold a closed-door meeting together recently said such informal meetings have been taking place for "at least five years."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Iranians are playing on these reports of Israel - Saudi cooperation .... Iran: ‘Shameful’ Saudi Arabia begged Israel to bomb Lebanon (Times of Israel). But apparently this Israeli - Saudi cooperation does not involve playing chess .... Slated for Saudi Arabia, Big Chess Tournament to Lock Out Israeli Stars (Haaretz).


B.Poster said...

They are not allied. They are not even friends. They are bitter enemies. This is false information put forth by Iran to foment hatred toward Saudi Arabia. Of course not that anyone needs to put out false information to justify dislike if not outright hatred for Saudi Arabia. Iran could be overplaying their hand so to speak in the spreading of such obviously false information.

I had predicted back in 2013 that the Saudi government would be overthrown by the end of 2016. As such, it made/makes no sense to conduct business with a government that is on the way out anyway. It appears I was not far off. As it is now, the Saudi government teeters on the edge of oblivion. Unfortunately the alternative to the current Saudi government is likely to be far worse for America, the "west," and Israel than the current one.

Jay Farquharson said...

The GCC spends $122b on lobbying, PAC's and think tanks in the US,

Israel spends $82b,

That's more than the Koch's, Mercer's and Addelson combined,

And more than 1000x what Soro's spends globally.