Sunday, November 19, 2017

The U.S. Navy Flight Crew That Used Their F/A-18 Fighter Jet To Draw A Giant Penis In The Sky Have Been Grounded

The US Navy has grounded the flight crew of an F/A-18 jet, similar to this, after they used the $48m warplane to paint a giant penis in the sky over the town of Okanogan, Washington state

Daily Mail: What a clever dick! Cheeky Top Gun pilot's sky-high prank earns him a reprimand from US Navy chiefs after drawing a PENIS in his $48m fighter jet

* US Navy chiefs in Washington State have grounded an F/A-18 flight crew
* The naval aviators used their $48m jet to draw a giant penis in the sky
* Dozens of witnesses photographed the resulting image and shared it online
* The US Navy said the condensed air trail resembled an 'obscene image'

US Navy chiefs have grounded a fighter jet aircrew after they used their supersonic F/A-18 to paint a giant penis over Washington state.

The twin-engine Boeing was over Okanogan on Thursday when the pilot created his anatomically accurate representation of a male's reproductive organs.

According to the US Navy, the jet 'left a condensed air trail resembling an obscene image to observers on the ground'.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I do not think they are going to be flying any US Navy jets for a while.


Anonymous said...

That's actually really funny.

Imagine all the social justice warriors and feminists looking up and be like wtf?! Priceless. A life well lived haha get that guy a beer!

Men will always do stuff like that. Why? Because we can, and know how to not always take things so gd seriously. Everything is so PC these days (unless you're a feminist, of course, then you can say the most sexist things I've ever heard at work and in public life and get cheered on, promoted and voted in to office)

That "art" lasted probably 5-10 minutes until wind dissipated it.

And no, no child was traumatised by it. And I say, let the pilot fly again. .after all they risk their lives every freaking day (even training is deadly, as we've seen so many times) for us. Let them let of some steam.

But the times being what they are now, a genderchallenged guy, a feminist and a social justice warrior high on their last Starbucks caffeine kick will write 20 posts on the Huffington post about all the things wrong in the military today (any opportunity to trash men will do), while dodging every service known to man..unless the paycheck outweighs the discomfort.

Unknown said...

Non-judicial punishment (say forfeit 1/2 pay for 2 months) or maybe just a chewing out would have worked.

I am sure that the Captain O6 and some admirals did not want to have this headache, but it is a tempest in a teapot.

The Social Justice Warrior, actually Social Justice Jihadis, are not fit to shine these guys/gals shoes.

Actually come to think of it this is an indicator that the country could lose a major war. The people at The Foundation (#2) are not earning their pay. Those fucking GS employees and officers should lose their jobs. People have not fucking mapped out space and are just toddling around like they are drunks playing bumper cars.

Unknown said...

"This incident is a disgrace."

14 years. I wonder.

"My country, my Navy will lose big in the next war"
Maybe we need the Ark of the Covenant!

Maybe you should throw your jacket in the trash. Piloting skills you may have. I won't question it. But the skills and acumen of a warrior, I do sincerely question.

What would Hari S. say?

Unknown said...

To all the Maverick Pilots out there I salute you!
It takes skill and artistry to pull off those maneuvers. Anyone think about that?

Andrew Jackson said...

Of course we'll lose, we'll have worthless female pilots like you😎

Unknown said...

What I want to know is 6 or 7?

Anonymous said...

@Lori, I disagree. Just look at old photos and memos of ww2. Much much stronger language and many more what you call juvenile things happened then. Today there's much more regulation, PC control could have even used the N word back then (not that you should),but just to prove my point that you're flat out wrong about how things were back then

Unknown said...

American joke/anecdote: Japanese and American soldiers often threw insults at each other across no man’s land. One exchange though ended in mutual laughter. ‘F***k Roosevelt!’, ‘No f***k Tojo!’, ‘No f***k, Eleanor Roosevelt.’ One American wit shouted out: ‘Oh you can have her!’

I figure you take 1/2 pay from a pilot for two months and if the pilot is married, they will be sorry. Very Sorry.

Or you can end their career further exacerbate the pilot shortage in which case I think they should recall outraged pilots, because ... they are not 60 yet.


Jay Farquharson said...

By now, Lori,

You will have realized that so many of your fellow 'Murkin's, just see you any your fellow compatriotsin the Marines, Army and Navy as no more than "meat".

The "thank you for your service" is 5 empty words, that makes them fell good while they cut your VA benefits.

Take the millions of dollars in training they spent on you, and get your ass to United, or Delta, or better yet, Air Canada, as fast as you can.

The Keyboard Commando's don't deserve you, or any other Service people.

Unknown said...

1) Jay made a blanket statement that is easily disproved.

The "thank you for your service" is 5 empty words,

5 & 10 point veteran bonuses in hiring.

2) Keyboard Commando

Jay do you know the phrase "Been There Done that"?

3) Jay is the type of aggrieved Leftist that, after Sadam is pushed out Kuwait and signs an armistice, would let Sadam paint your F/A 18. You can put $$$ on it.