Saturday, November 11, 2017

UN Report: South Sudan's Government Using Food As Weapon Of War

Reuters: Exclusive: South Sudan's government using food as weapon of war - U.N. report

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - South Sudan President Salva Kiir’s government is using food as a weapon of war to target civilians by blocking life-saving aid in some areas, United Nations sanctions monitors told the Security Council in a confidential report seen by Reuters on Friday.

During 2016 and 2017, the U.N. monitors said a military campaign by government troops in the northwestern town of Wau and surrounding areas in Western Bahr el-Ghazal targeted civilians on ethnic grounds and displaced more than 100,000.

“The government has during much of 2017 deliberately prevented life-saving food assistance from reaching some citizens,” the monitors wrote. “These actions amount to using food as a weapon of war with the intent to inflict suffering on civilians the government views as opponents to its agenda.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This use of food as a weapon is devastating wide sections of the country .... More Than a Million People in South Sudan Are on the Brink of Starvation (Time)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Unless Sudan would try to annex South Sudan, maybe we should stay out.

It is not like we can do much else.

If we instigated a coup or assassinated the guy, the Left 50 years later would say "Remember then time that we had a coup against the legit government of waaaa waaa waaaaa!"

We tried to stop the the use of food as a weapon by the Habr Gidr clan in Somalia in 1991/1992 and liberal thugs to this day excoriate us over it. Black Hawk Down! Remember what the liberal thugs did to us!

This is why when George Cloonacy talked about Darfur, people were all tapped out and said "Shut Up and Sit Down"

"George Clooney Makes Darfur Demands" - ABC News

"George Clooney demands that UN take action in Darfur" - Alternet

I takes more spadework after Somalia to get that done, George, and who does Georgie donate to?