Thursday, November 2, 2017

U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon Resigns Over Sexual Abuse Claims

BBC: Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct 'fell short'

Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon has resigned, saying his behaviour may have "fallen short" of the standards expected by the UK military.

He told the BBC that what had been "acceptable 15, 10 years ago is clearly not acceptable now".

He is the first politician to quit following recently revealed claims of serious sexual abuse in Parliament.

The BBC understands fresh claims about his behaviour were raised on Wednesday, but Downing Street refused to comment.

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More News On U.K. Defense Minister Michael Fallon Resignation Over Sexual Abuse Claims

Resigning UK defence minister Fallon says conduct fell below required standard -- Reuters
U.K. defence minister Michael Fallon resigns in growing sexual harassment scandal -- CBC

Sir Michael Fallon resigns as Defence Secretary -- Sky News
UK defense minister resigns after reports of past behavior -- The Hill
UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon resigns amid Westminster ‘sex pest’ scandal -- RT
Profile: Sir Michael Fallon -- BBC
Gavin Williamson replaces Michael Fallon as defence secretary -- BBC News


Hans Persson said...

It says "US", not UK, in the topic, WNU...

Anonymous said...

UK Defense Minister, not US.

War News Updates Editor said...

Mucha Thanks guys. Just got about 15 emails telling me the same thing. This is what happens when you are in a rush when you are posting something.