Wednesday, November 8, 2017

U.S. & NATO Need an Arctic Strategy

Photo via Russian Ministry of Defense

Daniel Gouré, Real Clear Defense: U.S. & NATO Need an Arctic Strategy to Counter Russia

Ever since Russia seized control of Crimea in late February 2014, the U.S.’s and NATO’s attention has been on the threats posed by Russian forces to the territorial integrity of the Alliance. New deployments of NATO forces reflect this concern. U.S. and Allied fighters have begun conducting enhanced air policing patrols in Baltic airspace. Rapid reaction units have been deployed to the Baltic States and Poland. U.S. heavy combat forces are now conducting heel-to-toe rotations in Central Europe. U.S surface combatants, some equipped with the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System, have routinely conducted operations in both the Black and Baltic Seas.

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WNU Editor: While the U.S. and Russia makes plans .... the Russian military have completed theirs .... Russia fully restores its presence in the Arctic — top brass (TASS).

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