Wednesday, November 1, 2017

U.S. Navy Report On USS Fitzgerald And USS John McCain Collisions Released

USNI News: Investigation: USS Fitzgerald, USS John McCain ‘Avoidable’ Collisions Due to Lapses in Basic Seamanship

The fatal collisions of the two guided-missile destroyers USS John S. McCain and USS Fitzgerald between merchant ships that killed 17 sailors were rooted in fundamental failures in the crew’s ability to operate their ships effectively, according to a summary of two investigations the Navy released to the public on Wednesday.

“Both of these accidents were preventable and the respective investigations found multiple failures by watchstanders that contributed to the incidents, said Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson in a statement.

“We must do better.”

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WNU Editor: The US Navy report on these collisions can be read here .... Navy Releases Collision Report for USS Fitzgerald and USS John S McCain Collisions (

More News On The U.S. Navy Report On The USS Fitzgerald And USS John McCain Collisions

Navy recommends sweeping changes after ship collisions -- AP
Crashes involving U.S. destroyers were avoidable - Navy investigations -- Reuters
Deadly US naval collisions in Pacific 'avoidable': top admiral -- AFP
Navy crews at fault in fatal collisions, investigations find -- Navy Times
Navy Collisions That Killed 17 Sailors Were 'Avoidable,' Official Inquiry Says -- New York Times
'Multiple failures' by ship crews standing watch contributed to deadly collisions, Navy finds -- Washington Post
Navy Says Deadly Ship Collisions Were 'Avoidable,' Faults Lack Of Preparation -- NPR
Readiness Lapses that Led to McCain, Fitzgerald Collisions Were Years in the Making -- USNI News

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the classified version is more forthcoming, because this one tells us nothing. There is not a single word as to WHY the OOD was so oblivious. There has to be a serious training and competency issue here? I would be willing to bet that there is affirmative action and an institutional training focus on everything except navigation and war fighting.