Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Washington Post: Trump Would Still Win The 2016 Election If It Was Held Today

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at a presidential debate in October 2016. (Jim Young/Reuters)

Aaron Blake, Washington Post: 12 months later, Trump would probably still win the 2016 election

It has been almost exactly one year since President Trump shocked the world by defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. And he might well do it again today.

Confronted with the events of the past 12 months and even Trump's unprecedented unpopularity - 59 percent disapprove of his presidency - a new poll shows that 2016 voters look as though they'd still pick Trump, albeit about as narrowly as they did before.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll asked respondents how they'd vote in a redo of the 2016 election, and, if anything, Clinton seems to have lost more ground than Trump. Among those who voted, 46 percent say they picked Clinton last year and 43 percent picked Trump - a slightly more favorable sample than the 2016 election, in which Clinton won the popular vote by two percentage points. But in a head-to-head rematch, Clinton's support drops even more than Trump's does, and they wind up in a 40-40 tie. Given that Trump overperformed in key, blue-leaning swing states, that means he'd probably have won again.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: After a year of over-the-top critical and negative coverage from the main stream media on President Trump .... from even being labeled as a Russian stooge to a neo-Nazi supporter in much of social media .... this analysis from the Washington Post is sobering. President Trump will not only win again .... but (probably) with an even bigger margin if he was to run against Hillary Clinton. And as for 2020 .... here is this post from the Independent .... Despite a disastrous first year, Donald Trump's economic policy could win him the 2020 election (Sean O'Grady, The Independent). As to what is my take .... among those who I know in the U.S. who voted for President Trump .... they will still vote for him. Among those who voted for Hillary Clinton .... many still would, but the enthusiasm for her as a candidate is definitely no longer there.


Roger said...

In the last week I've seen several instances of objectivity in publications not known for the same. Refreshing.


Anonymous said...

Anything that shakes up the political elites of this country should make the average person smile.

fred said...

Objectivity means they say things I agree with

Unknown said...

Some people are very objective. They have purity standards.

They'll airbrush Dona Brazile from all pictures in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

My nose still hurts from holding while I voted, but given the same choices again today, I would vote Trump again.