Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What Do Russians Really Think Of Donald Trump

Anna Teregulova, Fortune: Here’s What Russians Really Think of Donald Trump

It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. His presidency has taken the world on a wild political rollercoaster: From the travel ban to the repeal of DACA, the firing James Comey, and the investigation into Russian meddling in the election—it’s been quite a year.

In August, President Trump signed a bill that toughens the existing restrictions on Russia imposed by the Obama administration in 2014. The new law also limits the president’s power to ease or alter penalties on Russia without congressional approval.

Read more ....

Update: Russia's excitement for 'their man' Donald Trump has turned sour in just one year (Oliver Carroll, The Independent)

WNU Editor: As to what is my read on Russian public opinion when it comes to President Trump  .... using my family and friends from Russia as my starting point .... I would say that most of them see him in a positive light. And as to why U.S.- Russian relations have not improved .... the Russians I know blame the U.S. Congress and special interest groups .... not President Trump.

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