Sunday, December 24, 2017

A Look At Current Israeli Military Capabilities

South Front: Israeli Military Capabilities, Scenarios for the Third Lebanon War

The Current State of Affairs

At present time, Israel’s top political leadership is in the state of outright hysteria regarding Lebanese Hezbollah. Senior Israeli officials have repeatedly claimed that Israel will not allow Hezbollah and Iran to concentrate its forces in border areas and to expand their influence in the region, particularly in Syria and Lebanon.

The already difficult situation in southern Lebanon and Syria was further complicated by the series of events, which contributed to the growing tensions in the region in November and early December. It started with a resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri announced from Saudi Arabia on November 7, continued with Saudi accusations of military aggression through missile supplies to Yemen against Iran and rose to a new level on December 6 when US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital sparking further escalation.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  A rather good summary on the Israeli military.


jimbrown said...

South Front definitely looks at the world drom Putin's perspective but they do good videos.

fred said...

The issue is not simply the Iranian presence close to border with Israel but the fact that Iran is now also supported by Russia in Syria