Friday, December 29, 2017

Another Terror Attack Against Christians In Egypt

BBC: Egypt attack: Twelve die as gunmen hit Coptic Christians

Twelve people have died in twin attacks on Coptic Christians in the Helwan area south of Cairo, officials say.

Ten people died when gunmen tried to storm a church south of Cairo, but were intercepted by police.

About an hour later, a Coptic-owned shop in the same area was attacked, leaving two dead.

More than 100 Christians have been killed in Egypt in the past year - most attacks claimed by the local branch of the so-called Islamic State group.

Security forces have put checkpoints in place around the capital in response to the attacks.

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More News On Today's Terror Attack Against Christians In Egypt

Egypt says 10 killed in attack outside Cairo church -- AP
Gunmen attack church near Cairo, killing nine: ministry -- Reuters
Gunman kills 9 in attack on Egypt church -- AFP
At least nine killed as Egyptian forces foil attack on a church south of Cairo -- Ahram Online
9 dead after gunmen open fire at Coptic church near Cairo -- CNN
Egypt: Gunmen launch deadly attack on Coptic church -- DW
Egypt attack: At least 10 dead in attack on Coptic church south of Cairo -- ABC News Online
Egypt: Gunman launches deadly attack on Mar Mina Church -- Al Jazeera
Two Egyptian Policeman Killed During Attack on Church - Reports (GRAPHIC VIDEO) -- Sputnik


Unknown said...

Then ISIS terrorists are just that terrorists.

That still leaves the bulk of Egyptians, who discriminate in ways large and small and occasionally are involved in riots and pogroms.

So why do we allow Muslims to immigrate to the West?

Anonymous said...

We ordinary male citizens of Sweden are not very fond of muslims (many of the swedish women are, especially Middle aged and old ones, for obvious reasons ha ha).

The politicians here are very different though, and many are even open about the view that they want to replace us ethnic swedes with MENA immigrants.

fred said...

Why did we allow Catholics or Jews ?
Not all Muslims are what you suggest they are...not all Protestants are what you think they are. Not all white people are what you think they are. Not all atheists are what you think they are. If all Muslims are bad, what should we do with the 6 milliion American Muslims? deport them too to Mexico and Central America?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why pope Francis takes more care about muslim migrants than Christians... The same feeling with the French state who helps african immigrants while it increases the money it takes from it's own citizens who have already great difficulties to find a job and a flat. What are they looking for with their unfair behaviors. Despise its children often leads to a big revolt...

Jay Farquharson said...

They stick to murdering Palistinians.