Saturday, December 23, 2017

Former Obama Officials Attack The Politico For Their Coverage Of the Hezbollah Drug Network And Its Connection To The Iran Nuclear Deal Connection

Matthew Continetti, NRO: The Iran Echo Chamber Smears Politico

Josh Meyer is not an ideologue, not a partisan, not a quack.

Nothing has been more tedious over the last year than the constant reminders that good journalism is “now more important than ever.” The implication, of course, is that solid, groundbreaking reporting was not as essential so long as a liberal Democrat was in power. I’ve long assumed that the factotums mouthing such clichés lack the self-awareness to understand the true import of their words. But maybe I’ve been wrong. Recent days brought evidence that, no, liberals really mean it: The only meaningful investigative work is that which reflects poorly on Republicans.

Earlier this week, for example, Politico Magazine published a story by Josh Meyer headlined “The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook.” This epic and copiously sourced piece relates how, “in its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it [Hezbollah, not the Obama administration] was funneling cocaine into the United States.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: One of the reason why I enjoy doing this blog is to draw attention to how the media covers the White House. During the Obama administration the media did ignore a lot of stories, and I would also say that what they did cover was overall very favorable .... which is quite a contrast to what we are seeing now. That is why this Politico story and the blow-back from the previous administration to it is a sight to see .... officials from the previous administration are angry about it, and more to the point, their ire is focused on the reporter and not on what he is reporting. And as to why they are angry about this report .... from my perspective it is obvious. For President Obama, and for those who support the former President, the Iranian deal is his foreign policy achievement. But what the Politico story does .... and why it has resulted in the reaction that we are now seeing .... is that it reveals how this policy decision was made by the administration, and (in my humble opinion) a very revealing look into the mindset and calculation that President Obama used in making sure that this policy decision moved forward. In short .... is not pretty. And more to the point .... if the Politico report is only 50% correct .... a jaw-dropping revelation of U.S. foreign policy.

On a side note .... I know that this blog is read by a number of reporters who work in Europe. I am sure that the governments of Germany, France, and the U.K. also knew of this Iran-Hezbollah drug network. Did they decide to ignore it also .... or more to the point .... decide not to prosecute?

Update: I forgot to mention it. But on the day that the Politico story broke, the major networks .... ABC News, CBS, and ABC did not cover this story.


fred said...

If the Politico story was investigative exclusive, then of course the other media sources would not have covered it the same day. have found at least 9 other sources covered that story AFTER Politico published it.


Carl said...

Obama was obsessed with his legacy since everything he touched was a disaster, so he needed something "good" and the Iran nuclear deal was that. Nevertheless, the deal involved five other countries and the EU. At least two of those parties--China and Russia--could not be said to be concerned about Obama's legacy but rather larger matters of war and peace. So, when Trump attacks the deal as the worst one ever made, he's also attacking the participation of those five other governments in negotiating it.