Friday, December 22, 2017

Iran-Backed Fighters In Iraq Vow To Drive Out US Troops

Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) fighting ISIS across Iraq. (Courtesy PMF Media Center)

FOX News: After ISIS campaign, Iran-backed fighters in Iraq vow to drive out US troops

BAGHDAD – Now that they’ve helped vanquish the Islamic State from much of Iraq, a battle-hardened militia with close ties to Iran may be training its sights on the remaining U.S.-led coalition troops scattered across the country.

At least that’s the thinking among some in the ranks of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), a roughly 100,000-thousand-member force that has fought both with and against Americans in Iraq.

“America should only be here for embassy, any military presence and we will target them,” Saif Ali, a 37-year-old member of the PMF’s Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba paramilitary -- based in the southern Iraq governorate of Basra -- told Fox News. “I fought the Americans after 2003, and the British in southern Iraq, and I am happy about that. I don't hate the American people, only hate the U.S. military, and I have killed many of them.”

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WNU Editor:  Iran-backed fighters in Iraq have been making these threats for the past few months. They have not acted on it yet.


Hans Persson said...

I would love to see them try :)

Unknown said...

If they try, it will get Iraq involved. Russia do not know, Turkey maybe.

Turkey & Iran would get mauled. The Turks all by themselves could cause a great loss of life in at the Airbase, Syria, Iraq and Germany. Erdogan is using a rather large motorcycle gang and who knows, who else as a 5th column. The witless fraulein seems unconcerned. Maybe fat has clogged up her arteries.

The thing is no one knows where it will stop. It is as dangerous for the U.S. as it is to Iran, Turkey & Syria. The Russians and Chinese will be looking for weakness and opportunities. If Iran jumps in Saudi Arabia will jump in. Some will laugh at Saudi Arabia, but Israel with them and in part because of them. Unless the Egyptian pushed the Israelis at all or hard enough, Hezbollah will hold them for a while but they and Damascus would get mauled.

Kill a 1,000 or so U.S. troops protecting the Kurds and no one would miss Tehran or many other cities.

It is all very risky which is why the great powers prefer to chip away until a critical threshold is reached and then they take chunk before going back to chipping away. Russia, America, China all do it. Saudi Arabia, Iran Turkey do it too. This is not accidents and one side unilaterally withdrawing does not cause the problem to cease but to intensify. All these small wars are to shape the battlefield ahead of the big wars. If they can get what they want though demand, treaty or small wars so be it. If they can't small wars followed by big wars.

The UN is a joke. It is just a place to wage war via diplomacy. Diplomacy is the converse of Clausewitz theorem.