Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Iranian Media: 35,000 Iraqi Security Forces Killed In 3-Year War Against The Islamic State

Iraqi military has lost billions of dollars in the fight against IS militants, who destroyed military equipment and warplanes.

Financial Tribune: 35,000 Iraqi Security Men Killed in 3-Year War With IS

An Iraqi military source said that the last war against IS was one of the most devastating wars in Iraq’s history as it led to the weakening of the Iraqi military and destruction of the country’s infrastructure

O ver 35,000 Iraqi security men were killed during the three-year war against the self-styled Islamic State terrorist group, an Iraqi military source said.

“The anti-IS war has left over 35,000 Iraqi security men killed, and another 35,000 injured,” the source, who preferred to remain unnamed, told Al-Quds Al-Arabi on Monday, Iraqi News reported.

He added that the casualties included army and police personnel, Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units) fighters and members of the Counter Terrorism Service.

“Thousands of Iraqi troops have sustained severe injuries, and should travel abroad for surgeries but the government cannot do so due to the austerity policy it has recently adopted.”

“The Iraqi government should pay due regard to the victims’ families and help the injured travel abroad to undergo surgery as soon as possible,” the source pointed out.

He highlighted that the Iraqi military has lost billions of dollars in the fight against IS militants, who destroyed military equipment and warplanes in the country.

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WNU Editor: 70,000 Iraqi security forces killed or wounded after three years of fighting .... and as for ISIS casualties .... I suspect that the number of killed or wounded is probably even higher.


Anonymous said...

Didn't the US always try to tell us isis is just a bunch of crazy people? Like first numbers of isis were 5,000... then 30,000.. how many isis fighters were there really overall? My guess. .150,000-200,000 and perhaps same number of supporters who sent money etc

Really tired of being told that it's just a few bad apples. But it seems to work so let's keep doing it ;)

Anonymous said...

@Wnu: not directly war related but Russia related and maybe you can explain. ...why are Russian media/gov so scared of homosexual depiction? This kind of overreaction is typical for compensation..what's going on?

James said...

Nothing in the above photo is new or shiny. Also armored excavators are integral. They are a dead give away to the opponents tactics and the friendlies counter-tactics. They also show there is an absence of air in support and no fear of air in opposition.