Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Military And Intelligence News Updates -- December 20, 2017

The Warzone/Drive: We Broke Down Trump's Security Strategy Into Bullets So You Don't Have To Read All 60 Pages

The Trump Administration calls for more defense spending, new economic initiatives, and more aggressive diplomacy.

During the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, then candidate Donald Trump spent a considerable amount of time highlighting potential threats to the United States at home and abroad. Now after nearly a year in office, full of national and international crises, the president has unveiled a new national security strategy that he insists will put “America first.”

On Dec. 18, 2017, the White House released the full strategy in text form ahead of Trump’s speech announcing the latest over-arching security policies for America. The nearly 60-page document does outline The Trump Administration’s broad understanding of the present geo-political situation around the world, America’s interests within that context, potential threats to those goals, and what the U.S. government can do to safeguard itself.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Updates -- December 20, 2017

US navy planning to boost presence in western Pacific over North Korean nuclear crisis -- SCMP

North Korea tensions: South urges U.S. to delay military drills ahead of Olympics -- NBC

Seoul: Delaying joint military drills depends on North's behavior -- UPI

The U.S. Army Is Training to Explore, Fight in North Korea’s Maze of Tunnels -- Popular Mechanics

Japan approves purchase of US missile defense system to counter North Korea threat -- The Hill

Israel Is Treating America's Throwaway F-15D Eagles As New Found Treasure -- The Warzone/The Drive

Philippine Navy chief terminated in reported frigate procurement row -- Defense News/AP

America urges Pakistan to prove responsible stewardship of nukes -- DAWN

Russia's FSB Will Soon Have Their Very Own Drones -- National Interest

Ex-Commander: Russia's Syrian Solution is a New Response Model to Crises -- Sputnik

Russia Got Rid of Its Cold War-Era Nukes in Europe—Now It Wants the US to Do The Same -- Newsweek

Expansion of Japan’s missile defense shield poses no threat to Russia — Foreign Ministry -- TASS

Russia and China mull military cooperation deal renewal -- TASS

Russian-Egyptian military cooperation on the rise -- Al-Monitor

New German tanks getting Saab camouflage -- UPI

What is Nato, what does it stand for, how much does each country spend on defence and what is Article 5? -- The SUN

To Counter Russia Threat, U.S. Military to Spend $200 Million on Europe Airbases -- Newsweek

'Exciting Time': US New Gen Tilt-Rotorcraft Takes to the Skies (VIDEO) -- Sputnik

Boeing tapped to support F-18s, Growlers -- UPI

USAF practises hot-pit refuelling technique -- Air Force Technology

The Army wants to give its tanks a high-tech defensive upgrade by 2020 -- Business Insider

Future Army Bradleys May Fire Lasers, Missiles & Kill Drones -- Scout Warrior

House set to vote on controversial surveillance bill -- The Hill

CIA chief Pompeo meets with King Salman in Saudi Arabia -- Fox News

US Senate confirms DoD special operations nominee Owen West -- Defense News

Women in the military are suing the Trump administration for being “extremely hostile” -- VICE

Thousands of Army recruits head home for holidays -- ABC News

Missing WWII US Navy Submarine Discovered Off Hawaii (PHOTOS) -- Sputnik

US government recovered materials from unidentified flying object it 'does not recognise' -- The Independent

What Does a Government Shutdown Mean for the Department of Defense -- Defense One

Trump Is Pursuing a Defense Spending Hike and a Pentagon Audit at the Same Time? -- Curt Mills, National Interest

How ISIS was defeated in Iraq (Hint: It's thanks in part to air-ground teamwork) -- Lt. Gen. Jeff Harrigian, Fox News

Here’s how the Trump administration could make it easier to sell military drones -- Valerie Insinna and Aaron Mehta, Defense News

5 Best Handguns in the World (Glock, Sig Sauer and Colt All Made the Cut) -- Kyle Mizokami, National Interest


Bob Huntley said...

One can only hope that the wealthy of America who control the President, government and military will come to realize that beating the drums in today's world is decidedly different from similar activities of the past generations going back to the beginning of time.

There have been empires in the past that have risen, conquered and fallen into obscurity. The development of war capabilities has how reached a point where one country, one person has the power to start something that could literally destroy the world's ability to maintain life.

Perhaps the wealthy surely must know that should the very real possibility of an all consuming nuclear war come to pass even they will likely not survive, or if they survive they will eventually find themselves trying to eek out survival based on ashes. Accordingly you would think they would at minimum rein in that idiot Trump.

fred said...

1. one person has for any number of years in this nation had the power to do that which worries you. You mean this one guy is the real threat.
2. the wealthy are indifferent. Their concern, shown in the gop tax bill,is to get more and more for themselves. The GOP has lots of bright guys, and so they must be aware of what they passed in order to get something, anything passed. Tribal unity trumps (!) all else.
3. No one is capable of reining in Trump, it seems, and clearly no legislation will be passed to control a possible misuse of presidential power.
4. example: Global climate change is a serious threat to national security, says our Pentagon, many times in recent years; there is no global climate change says Trump and a number of his apointees

Bob Huntley said...

I agree Fred. It is just that this guy, this Trump seems more likely than most to launch the nukes. I seems that he is the guy who, on his deathbed, as his last action, would decide to take everyone with him. Perhaps our only hope is that as in the past there will be someone who will refuse to follow the command.

I believe it will come sooner or later and given my age, 72, I'd like to think it would be after my demise. I am afraid it will come during the lives of my children and grandchildren.

B.Poster said...

I think in worrying about Trump excessively we may be worrying about the wrong person. While Trump may have some support among the population he has almost none within the bureaucracy itself.

I think it is men like Kim Jong il, Putin, Xi, the leaders of Iran etc. that we need to be worrying more about. Trump is but a marginal actor here.

Anonymous said...

Lets see how long it takes for this story to hit the MSM...

Anonymous said...

There's a few dynamics going on that could very well start ww3, literally

1. North Korea and china's shady involvement in this crisis
2. China's south China Sea claims and militarisation of entire APAC as consequence
3. An out of bound military industrial complex - we need to reign this in but it's difficult because it's so lucrative. So many weapons and weapon systems are now bought in APAC and wider Asia (incl India). It happens because everyone is getting ready to push back on China's demands
4. AI led conflicts with killbots. This is not the distant future anymore. Even old established firms like Kalashnikov are getting in on this. The problem:they sell to any country. Means AI based platforms spread. Means everyone will want them. You cannot put them back in the box. The tech and knowledge and the idea is out. We must outlaw these weapon systems now. By 2019 latest. 2020 will in all likelihood see first autonomous conflicts!
5) easy to access and easy to use ai based, quasi weaponized algorithms (different to 4 but just as lethal because they can take down your phone your electricity your Internet for months)
6. Russia's miscalculation on how far it can go in harassing and manipulating democracies in the west. At one point they will have enough and want to get revenge on Putin. Not on Russians. But on Putin. And he might just want to go out in a blast. He strikes me like that kind of guy. He seems to have no problem killing political opponents and other civilians. You know it's true. He's half genius half mad. That's part of why i like him. .but it's very dangerous situation until he retires and someone else in Russia brings the country back to the realities of living in this world together

Anonymous said...

Trump is clearly hurting US interests and standing around the world. He is not good at diplomacy. His "my way or the highway" approach is old and we've all heard it before. He is the personification of a loud, brash, uneducated, insecure man (small hands syndrome is so apparent in him) that he tries to look strong by talking tough and having generals around him and signing stuff. He's an intellectual idiot and has insecurity complexes. That's why he acts and talks like that. But he is street smart to some extent and luckily people in other countries get blindsided by him being rich (rich==smart in the mindset of many). But overall he's a liability. The only time when a guy like him comes in handy is when there's another actor on the world stage that is just as erratic and hard to judge, or Kim Jong-Un. Also fat. Also bad haircut. Also small hands. Also bstshit crazy. But funnily he's likely more educated than Trump. Which is a sad reflection of the state of the US at this point. Still, the US and its governing model is 1000x better than china's "you can't say that about the party or go to prison" model, which is just a totalitarian state that managed to combine capitalism with its doctrine (which is very, very dangerous..something I warned about for years and now people start to see it)