Friday, December 29, 2017

Nearly Half Of All Americans Believe The Media Make Up Negative Trump Stories

Washington Times: ‘Fake News’: Half of all Americans believe the media make up anti-Trump stories

Nearly half of all Americans believe media outlets fabricate negative stories about President Trump, according to a new survey.

Forty-four percent of respondents in the 2017 Poynter Media Trust Survey say the media invent “fake news” to make the president look bad.

Of that cohort, 24 percent say negative stories about Mr. Trump are made up “about half of the time”; 14 percent “most of the time”; and 6 percent “all of the time.” Seventy-seven percent of that cohort are Trump supporters, and 74 percent are Republicans.

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WNU Editor: Growing up in the Soviet Union I would say that almost everyone believed that much of the news that was being delivered was "fake news". Today .... because Russians are exposed to alternative sources of news through the internet .... I would say that a healthy skepticism is now the rule when it comes to watching or reading what is on the news. I see this trend also happening among American altitudes when it comes to the news. There is still a hardcore who believe and accept the premise that outlets like the New York Times, the main networks, etc. are fair and unbiased in their coverage .... but this percentage is definitely on the decline, and it has certainly accelerated in the past year. Made-up headlines like this one certainly do not help the media's case of not being bias .... News media do hatchet job on Melania Trump after reporting she ordered killing 200-year-old White House tree (BizPac Review).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, and not unjustified so as there have been numerous cases where major news programs on TV had to redact and clarify stories and apologies for mistakes made, and news channels and outlets like cnn and by times, wapo had to react and correct written stories. So yeah, if someone believes that in such a polarised world there isn't at least -some- bias is clearly not well informed and basically just voicing an opinion instead of critically reflecting on what's been going on. On the other hand one must be equally able to acknowledge that many of the critics against Trump are right. But has he acted illegally or just like an arrogant, ignorant, entitled, mean man? Time will tell. It'll remain interesting to see the fall and eventual rise of DJT - after all he knows how to get ratings. By an interesting plot and twist in the second act. ;-)