Friday, December 29, 2017

No One Wants To Pay To Rebuild Iraq

Destruction in the Old City of Mosul. Most of its narrow streets are impassable, strewn with debris and destroyed vehicles. (Alice Martins for The Washington Post)

WNU Editor: An sobering read from The AP on the lack of funding in Iraq to rebuild the cities that were destroyed during the war against the Islamic State .... Few ready to pay to rebuild Iraq after Islamic State defeat (AP)


fred said...

Easy to fix
Tell Trump Iraq needs to build a wall and a golf course and he can also put up a hotel there...he will urge his gop flunkies to act pronto

B.Poster said...

Why would they? Is ISIS really completely gone or are their other terrorist groups? As I recall, the US led coalition tried to rebuild it after the fall of Saddam. "Insurgents" would simply destroy everything our people tried to build. They would do the same today. So why would anyone pay to rebuild it just so "terrorists" can blow it up.

Iran essentially controls it now as a de facto colony. Let Iran pay to rebuild it.