Thursday, December 21, 2017

North Korea's Army Of Cyber Hackers Is Raising Concerns Among Technology Experts

North Korean cyber warriors are also blamed for the theft of £60million from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and of top secret military documents from South Korea earlier in the year. Pictured: Kim Jong-un watches a missile test

Daily Mail: North Korea's army of cyber hackers could be an even greater threat than their nuclear ambitions, experts warn

* Stalinist state has an army of 6,000 hackers that target banks and infrastructure
* They have also been blamed for hacks on secret South Korean military plans
* Now experts have warned state's cyber army could be more lethal than its nukes
* There are also fears it could hack the Winter Olympics in South Korea next year

North Korea has developed a sophisticated army of hackers that could cause enormous damage to foreign militaries, steal huge amounts of cash from banks or cripple essential infrastructure.

Technology experts have also warned that the Stalinist autocracy's cyber army is doubly lethal because there is little chance to hit back against it given its lack of connectivity.

While the dictatorship's high-profile missile and nuclear programmes grab the headlines, North Korea watchers have warned its legion of 6,000 hackers could be far more dangerous to global security.

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WNU Editor: I do not know how experts have been able to determine that there are 6,000 hackers in the country. But I do know that many criminal cyber/hacking attacks have been traced back to North Korea, and there have been enough of them to be raising red flags everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

@Wnu every hacker has a certain behavioural and technical profile (specialisation, tools and languages used, etc) ..given the use of ai and other methods of automatically assessing, quantifying and qualifying threats, it wouldn't be too technically challenging for the US to determine the rough amount of hackers active in North Korea (supplemented by reasonable assumptions about typical human patterns like sleep and online time etc). So yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the number is that high and relatively accurate. +/- 2,000 perhaps. I'd estimate that from a population percentage China has less hackers but the total number is likely much higher. ..perhaps 20,000-50,000, augmented with varying levels of AI tools ..a truly formidable force. ..same likely in Russia and the US. Likely a bit less in the US as the government faces challenges hiring/recruiting hackers given that they often can make 2-5x more in the private sector (and legally)