Saturday, December 23, 2017

Russia Responds To The U.S. Decision To Supply Weapons To The Ukraine Military

The Guardian: US provision of weapons to Ukraine could fuel conflict, Russia says

Foreign minister Grigory Karasin says supply of ‘defensive’ aid could derail peace process in eastern Ukraine’s civil war

Russian officials have said the US decision to supply weapons to Ukraine will fuel conflict in the east of the country.

The US state department said on Friday that it would provide Ukraine with “enhanced defensive capabilities” as it continued to fight Russia-backed separatists in a low-intensity conflict.

Until now, the US has only provided Ukraine with support equipment and training. It has also allowed private companies to sell small arms such as rifles to the country.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am already reading and hearing from news reports in Ukraine that the Poroshenko government sees this as a green light from Washington to intensify military operations in eastern Ukraine. This is not going to end well .... and as for the peace process .... it was already on life support, this decision has now killed it.

Update: A re-post of a comment that I made earlier today on the conflict in Ukraine ....

.... The problem in Ukraine .... and it has been the case long before the current crisis .... is the large Russian-Ukrainian population in the country and how they do not see eye-to-eye with the Ukrainian majority (and vice-versa). Yes .... the focus is on Russia, but the real focus should be on how internal divisions between these two ethnic groups has brought about this crisis, and how to really resolve it is for both of these groups to meet and negotiate a meaningful peace. Unfortunately .... there is no appetite among Poroshenko and his supporters to give the Russian-Ukrainian majority in the eastern part of the country what they really want .... autonomy, control of their language and culture, and a say on how their resource wealth (primarily coal and soon to be shale development) can be developed. Hence the conflict, and both sides being supported by outside forces. Poroshenko is up for election in a few years .... he has been polling in the low teens since he broke his promise to negotiate a peace agreement to end this war, and I predict he will be resoundingly defeated. My concern is on who will replace him, and will that person embrace negotiations and do the necessary compromises to end the war.

More News On The Russian Response To The U.S. Decision To Supply The Ukraine Military With Weapons

Russia warns US decision to arm Ukraine encourages 'new bloodshed' -- AFP
‘Accomplice in igniting war’: Moscow says US crosses a line with lethal arms supplies to Ukraine -- RT
Kremlin warns weapon supplies to Kiev may motivate ‘loose cannons’ seeking bloodshed -- TASS
US Crossed Line By Announcing Decision to Provide Ukraine With Weapons - Moscow -- Sputnik


Caecus said...

Strategic madness for the U.S to do this esp. with the NORKS acting up

B.Poster said...


You're spot on. Careful though pointing out such things may get you accused of being a Russian troll.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your perspective on this. My perspective is: why should the west always give up just because Russia wants more territory? Do you realise how large Russia is? It's a joke. Russia has only 100mn people but controls territories of entire Europe and US (1bn people) combined. And wtf does Russia think that they can support rebels in an independent country? Those rebels are heavily supported by Russia. How would Russians feel if the US were to give tanks and artillery to a break away region in east Moscow?? Imagine. ..we'd ne immediately at war. So I say enough of this Putin's never ending thirst for expansion and meddling. This is Europe. Do not go any further or we will strike back.

The red line is Ukraine.

fazman said...

Does it not send a strong message to Kim that trump is unpredictable and hawkish and does not bluff.
This will no doubt be noticed by kim