Sunday, December 24, 2017

Russia Says U.S. Arms To Ukraine Will Escalate The War

A Ukrainian soldier firing a machine gun last week at his position on the front line of the government-held town of Avdiyivka, Ukraine. Credit Oleksandr Klymenko/Reuters

New York Times: Russia Says U.S.-Supplied Weapons to Ukraine Could Escalate Conflict

MOSCOW — The decision by the United States to supply weapons to Ukraine is dangerous as it will encourage Kiev to use force in eastern Ukraine, Russian officials said on Saturday.

The statement came one day after the State Department said that the United States would provide Ukraine with “enhanced defensive capabilities” as Kiev battles Russian-backed separatists in the eastern part of the country.

President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine said on Facebook on Saturday the weapons would be used to protect Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Supplies of any weapons would encourage those who support the conflict in Ukraine to use the “force scenario,” Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said on Saturday, according to the RIA state news agency. Franz Klintsevich, a member of the upper house of the Russian Parliament’s security committee, said Kiev would consider arms supplies as support of its actions, Interfax news agency reported.

“Americans, in fact, directly push Ukrainian forces to war,” Mr. Klintsevich said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Sending weapons into a war zone rarely brings about peace .... usually it brings the opposite. In the case of Ukraine the public posture of Ukrainian President Poroshenko is to promote peace .... Poroshenko, Tillerson agree on positions on UN peacekeeping force in Donbas (Kyiv Post), but when one listens to other officials, media commentary, and the Ukraine military .... everyone is seeing this U.S. support as a green light to escalate military operations. My prediction .... expect the Ukraine war to explode in the spring time.

More News On Kremlin Claims That U.S. Arms To Ukraine Will Escalate The War

US provision of weapons to Ukraine could fuel conflict, Russia says -- The Guardian
Moscow: U.S. arms may spur use of force by Kiev in eastern Ukraine -- Reuters
Russia slams US supplying weapons to Ukraine as encouraging use of 'force' -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Maybe it is for the best? I hare frozen conflicts. Better with a war to decide everything.

Anonymous said...

хорошо. Если мы это сделаем, это правильная вещь.

Yesli vy eto sdelayete, eto ne khorosho. Yesli my eto sdelayem, eto pravil'naya veshch'.

Jay Farquharson said...

The Ukraine conflict "can't" be won by war.

When the DPR and LPR forces were "losing", Russian "maristroika" actions pushed Ukrainian offences back, then, when Ukraine violated Minsk 1, Russian "maristroika" actions pushed the Ukrainian forces back far enough to create "viable" republics.

Russia's not going to "allow" the military defeat of the LPR and DPR, and the Ukraine Military will never have the "muscle" to defeat the DPR, LPR and Russian "maristroika" forces.

The "most" the Ukrainian Military could achieve in combat, is to cause Russian military support for the LPR and DPR to become open and public.

Nobody's gonna send their Army to Ukraine to fight alongside the Ukrainians against Russia.

Unknown said...


OK. If we do this, this is the right thing.
If you do, it's not good. If we do this, this is the right thing

Without context the meaning is a guess.

It is either good ole Leftist double standard or it makes fun of Leftist PC.

Jay Farquharson said...

It's actually comment on Republican/conservative hipocracy,

Eg, Emails, email servers, pedofillia, sexual assault, rape, lying, murder, Nazi's, corruption, the lists go on and on.

B.Poster said...


I believe you are 100% correct. When faced with a fight that can't be "won," even if it could be "won," nothing of strategic value is gained, the Ukrainians, at least the ones fighting the Russian backed forces are complete and total evil chumps who are unworthy of support of any kind, and to add to this our involvement here leads to further alienation of a major world power.

As I stated from the beginning, American/"western" involvement in this is strategic madness. DJT was elected, in large part, to fix our relations with Russia. He's lost his way on this one.

Jay Farquharson said...

"DJT was elected, in large part, to fix our relations with Russia."

Unknown said...

Jay it might help if you could use one of the recognized spellings for pedophilia.

Like most people Jay conflates pedophilia and ephebophilia although in fairness most talk in the political sphere does not make such distinctions.

Still Jay could be honest and recognize that Bill Clinton probably engaged in ephebophilia /pedophilia when he took flight on the Lolita express. Further Jay could be more honest, if he admitted that the Left frequently gives a pass on such things. See Obama's safe School Czar, etc.

Andrew Jackson said...

The Javelins are coming Jay so everything you say means nothing,lol!!!!

Unknown said...

Jay links to the rag, The Nation.

Racism had nothing to do with voting for Trump. Wanting good borders is not racist.

Name countries that do not enforce their borders and I will show a nation run by thugs with the same mindset as the staff of The Nation.

fazman said...

Exactly, when dozens of T90 are shattered Russia may well sigh and leave their proxies to their own devices.

Jay Farquharson said...

Javelin's don't work very well against Su-35's or Shorta equipped T-90's.

You probably didn't notice, but everytime the Ukrainian Army, raised the stakes, Russia cover their bet and raised them again.

Debaltsev ring a bell?

Anonymous said...

I think exposing Russia for what it is at the moment, an aggressive nation with wars from the middle east to Europe, and meddling in the political affairs of England, USA, Germany, Poland, just to name a few, is actually a good strategy. Putin hates it when we expose him (it's in his kgb nature to keep all his deeds in the dark). Putin hates it when his sooo "strong" athletes are exposed for what they are: cheaters who couldn't win a single bronze medal without state sponsored and state organized doping - again think about that!... .instead of like every other country coming together for the Olympics and compete fairly and in the right spirit, Russia is perverted in its current state of mind and thinks it can just bend and twist the rules of engagement. .from bombing civilians to inciting war in Ukraine to cheating at peace games of Olympics. What is wrong here? That we, the rest of the world, should be expected to accept this. We won't. Shine the spotlight on what's going on and no one in the world will follow a Russian or believe what a Russian says until truth and the right spirit comes back to Russia. The spirit of philosophers, mathematicians, musicians, innovators, truly strong men and women! And when that happens the world will see much more peace too! #wishingForATrueRussiaToReturn

Jay Farquharson said...

fazman said...

They didn't have javelin and were using 3rd gen Soviet junk as atgm, in case you missed it.
There is no mbt period that can take a javelin top shot .
Of course Russia,raised the stakes on the skinny kid, now skinny kid getting some steroids lol

Jay Farquharson said...


Debaltseve was decided by Russian artillary.