Wednesday, December 20, 2017

South Korean President Moon Wants The U.S. To Postpone Military Drills Until After The Olympics

Newsweek: U.S. Should Postpone Military Drills Against North Korea Until After the Olympics, South Korea’s President Says

The United States should postpone its planned joint military exercises with South Korea until after the 2018 Winter Olympics in the hopes of stabilizing the region ahead of the games, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, told NBC News on Tuesday.

Moon also wants North Korea to cease its missile tests and other provocations until the end of the Winter Olympics, in March 2018.

“If North Korea stops its provocations leading up to the Pyeongchang Olympics, it will greatly help in holding a safe Olympics. Also, it will help in creating conducive atmosphere toward inter-Korean as well as U.S.-North Korean dialogue,” Moon said.

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WNU Editor: The South Korean government has qualified the above statement .... S.Korea says delay in joint U.S. drills depends on halt to N.Korea provocations (Reuters).

More News On The South Korean President Moon Wanting The U.S. To Postpone Military Drills Until After The Olympics

North Korea tensions: South urges U.S. to delay military drills ahead of Olympics -- NBC News
South Korea president suggests joint drills with US could be suspended -- The Guardian
South Korea's Moon Jae-in proposes postponement of drills -- UPI
South Korea wants annual US military exercises delayed until after 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics -- South China Morning Post
President Moon suggests postponing S. Korea-US joint military exercise ahead of Olympics -- The World On Arirang


fazman said...

Screw the Olympics, is he kidding?

B.Poster said...


I think he's nuts. Just to name a couple things. 1.)He wanted the US to hold off on THAAD. (US troops are based in South Korea. We want them to have the best defense they can. If he wants those forces, and he does, as they are pawns in his county's power struggle with his northern neighbor. Then he cannot be allowed to dictate terms to America. 2.)He balked at having American nuclear weapons based in his country. Again, American forces are in grave danger defending his sorry a!s. Same as 1. He cannot be expected to be allowed to dictate terms to the Americans.

He's only a symptom of a bigger problem. South Korea is not a reliable ally to America, is a net liability to America, and should be jettisoned forthwith. I've realized this since the mid 1990s. Now it has become even more apparent. Maybe, just maybe, at that point we could actually begin to develop a process whereby we might reach a separate agreement with North Korea that works for America and the interests of its people.

Frankly, South Korea has used as pawn on its chessboard for far to long. The exploitation of America and Americans needs to end. With that said I don't expect jettisoning the using and abusing South Korea to end the conflict with North Korea. They appear to be leaving us no choice but war. If/when it does happen, not having to concern ourselves with South Korea should make the problem much less problematic to deal with.