Thursday, December 21, 2017

South Korean Soldiers Fire Warning Shots At North Korean Soldiers As Another North Korean Soldier Escapes Across The DMZ

Time: South Korean Troops Fire Warning Shots as North Korean Soldiers Pursue Defecting Comrade

(SEOUL) — South Korea’s military fired 20 rounds of warning shots Thursday as North Korean soldiers approached a borderline after their comrade defected to South Korea, officials said.

South Korean media reported there were sounds of gunfire from the North after South Korea’s warning shots. South Korean defense officials couldn’t immediately confirm the report.

North Korean soldiers have occasionally — and often safely — fled through the land border. Thursday’s defection came nearly 40 days after another North Korean soldier crossed the jointly controlled area at the border, the only places where rival troops are only feet away, amid a barrage of bullets fired by colleagues. He was shot multiple times and remains hospitalized in South Korea.

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More News On Reports That Another North Korean Soldier Has Defected To South Korea

South Korea fires warning shots after North soldier defects -- AP
North Korean soldier defects to South: Seoul -- AFP
North Korean soldier defects to the South: South Korean defense official -- Reuters
North Korea defection: Warning shots as soldier crosses border to South -- BBC
Second North Korean soldier defects over the DMZ in 40 days -- DW
Second North Korean soldier in weeks defects to South, say reports -- The Guardian
North Korean soldier defects to South after DMZ escape -- ABC News Online
Seoul: Another North Korean Soldier Defects to South -- VOA
Three North Koreans defect to South Korea, report says -- FOX News
North Korean soldier defects across demilitarized zone -- CNN
South Korea guards fire 20 warning shots to protect defector from pursuing North Korean troops -- International Business Times
North Korean Soldier Defects to South Across DMZ - Reports -- Sputnik
N. Korean soldier flees to S. Korea via land border: military -- Yonhap News Agency


Anonymous said...

You put an In-n-Out burger right on the southern side of the DMZ and every person in the north will risk their life to get there...and never go back!

fazman said...

It's a serious risk for Kim,any of units if they pushed into s.k upon seeing shops,cars,restaurants etc will simply desert, they are not stupid mules.
This off defection here and there is just the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Fazman that's right. The other north Korean guy who defected (the one who got shot 5 times) wanted a chocolate cookie he tried before. ..that cookie was produced in a shared industrial complex (where south Korean companies can hire north Korean labour)... it's the exchange of goods,ideas and information in general that keeps peace worldwide. Yes, we do have some small wars and terrorism but trade and exchange of ideas, travel etc has been largely credited for not having a large scale/world war kind of event for 70+ years. That's of course well known. But what worries me in this context is China's information isolationism.. you have nearly 1.5bn people who get only to read and see what the state party approves off. Western media is largely filtered. Western social media all blocked. Even the VPNs my friends in Shanghai and other places have used before to get Facebook etc are now blocked (happened about a year ago ).. China has been "selective" before but it's at a whole different level now. My real fear is China's totalitarian system seems to work on a business level, but maybe not on a societal cohesion level (from a global perspective). We have seen over and over again that societies that shield themselves from information tend to become aggressive. There's a parallel in medicine: human cells that no longer exchange information with other cells first metastesize and then turn into cancer cells. It looks like we humans behave the same way...or do you think it's normal how China acts on the world stage and treats its neighbours? We should research this more and if true maybe demand a minimum of information exchange to prevent large scale wars. ..China's political party won't agree of course. .why should they? All of China's party members are millionaires and some even billionaires. The current system works very very well for them and the rich kids of Shanghai and other coastal-area mega cities. They don't know and sometimes don't believe when we complain about the organised theft and bullying (and human rights violations) their government undertakes. .and as long as there are jobs and growth they are happy to believe anything they are being told by the party, or at least ignore the side effects. their mind it's their/the Chinese time after all... It's us evil evil westerners who are bad and "don't want to allow their rise". See the resemblence to north Korea? No wonder China backs north Korea...those two together make a massive cancerous cell devouring the rest of us [cells] figuratively

fazman said...

I read he wanted toilet paper as he was,sick of using confetti