Monday, December 25, 2017
The EU Has A New Strategy To Halt African Migration
Zero Hedge: EU Militarizes Africa To Halt Migration
Fighting terrorism is now morphing into clamping down on human migration, as far as the European Union is concerned.
France’s President Emmanuel Macron is leading the charge, claiming at a conference in Paris last week that terrorism and human trafficking are part of the same problem, requiring the deployment of a military force spread across Africa.
But so desperate, it seems, is the EU to halt illegal migration into the bloc that it is moving to militarize the problem in Africa – under the guise of “fighting terrorism”.
This is tantamount to European Neo-imperialism. That is, attempting to sort out deep-seated socio-economic problems down the barrel of a gun. Not only that, but using futile heavy-handed methods to deal with problems that European powers themselves are responsible for creating.
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WNU Editor: The prospect of tens of millions of impoverished ans uneducated Africans who do not speak the language fleeing to a better life in Europe is a development that a majority of Europeans do not want. French President Emmanuel Macron strategy to stop this influx is definitely different .... but I doubt that it will be effective. Africa is still generations away from developing stable societies, and those who want a better life will still find ways to migrate to the EU or North America.
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Wow one moment here, okay?!
That hit piece by zero hedge, which I told you before is on the same level as RT propaganda outlet and a hair thickness from being declared a foreign agent, is saying that the west (=eternal adversary and scapegoat of Russia) is doing something and you just go with it and see this as the reality? Wtf
Common, wnu I expected more of you
Zerohedge is a propaganda outlet that uses market manipulation attempts for financial gain too...not cool to keep quoting them and even taking the lies they write for granted without questioning their clear bias or motives. Might as well use RT as reliable sources from now on lol
We have an increasing number of refugees in a few areas, fleeing to find a way to survive in war-torn or terror-torn areas. Additionally, we will fairly soon have climate refugees also fleeing. Clearly these refugees will be met with increasing resistance. This sort of thing is bound to cause militant actions both by those who are refugees and those trying to prevent refugees from gaining entrance to various safer areas where those refugees are trying to get to in order to survive.
1) I like models and forecasting. I have taken classes where we learned various formulas and techniques for forecasting.
Never did I take a class where reality and the forecast could diverge so much as it does with the works of the warmists.
Look at the chart in the link below.
2) Warmunists tell us we have to cut CO2. One way to do this is get rid of coal plants. It is like an emergency, man! If we don't cut CO2 by X amount by 2010 or 2016, then we are doomed. Well for all the coal plants we shuttered in Europe or the U.S., they opened up 2 or more new ones in China and India. The Chinese and Indians do not seemed to be concerned except to generate more electricity and to get paid through the UN for global warming.
HTF does that work?
"This is tantamount to European Neo-imperialism.
I did take exception with this sentence in the article. By putting the word Neo in there as a qualifier a person can do a bit of hand waiving and put the whole litany of
imperialism' at the feet of current day Europeans. That is grossly unfair. That in and of itself wants me to trash the article whole cloth.
"Zerohedge is a propaganda outlet"
Maybe. And? A person posting under the name of "anonymous " is not a propagandists or a disinformation specialist? We have so many Anons.
We have Bangladeshi Anon from Britain, French Anon, Swedish Anon, American Anon and Lefty Anon. The latter 2 could be the same person. Looks very dishonest & disingenuous to me.
Zerohedge is ran by the son of a former Bulgarian agent, if I have my facts right. There are guest posts by other bloggers. Most readers know what they are getting into. For example most people want Simon Black, braggart and international mystery man to go away. They do not take well to his blog posts. It seems as though he had a little trouble with the law in Hong Kong or Singapore. That seems to be the way the posts were reading several years back on Black's Posts.
The blogger of Zerohedge does not have to make up stuff on QE and reserve currency status. He merely has to print the truth.
Anon (& I do not know what Anon I am talking to. Jay seems to have a scorecard to keep the Anons apart) exaplin in particular which stories are false or how things are shaded. Explain how ZH diverges form the truth more than the USG, NYT or other sources.
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