Sunday, December 10, 2017

Top Departing U.S. Commander In The War Against The Islamic State Acknowledges Civilian Casualties

Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend. YouTube

Washington Examiner: Accusations of sloppy targeting dog the US military as civilian casualties rise

As the U.S. military racks up victories against terror groups, there’s one battle that it can't seem to win: The PR war over how many innocent civilians are dying as a result of U.S. airstrikes or commando raids.

When confronted with allegations of civilian casualties, U.S. commanders have repeated their go-to talking point, that the U.S.-led coalition air campaign is “the most accurate in the history of warfare,” employing only the smartest of smart bombs and requiring the most rigorous target approval process.

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WNU Editor: We will never know the exact number of civilians killed in this war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe not. Good thing about social media and the new age of leaking though is that people may come forward if such sloppiness really existed. If it did and perhaps even more than that, we'll find out.

But we must also recognise the difficulties under which our armies operate and not forget to thank them first, and foremost, for their incredible service.