Thursday, December 21, 2017

UN Votes 128-9 With 35 Abstentions To Reject The U.S. Decision To Move Its Embassy To Jerusalem

Daily Mail: United Nations votes overwhelmingly against Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital – ignoring his threat to take cash away from countries defying U.S.

* United Nations held emergency General Assembly session Thursday over Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital
* Member nations voted 128-9 with 35 abstentions on a resolution regretting 'recent decisions concerning the status of Jerusalem'
* Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador, had already vetoed a similar resolution Monday in the Security Council
* Donald Trump says he could cut cash to countries that voted against the U.S.
* Haley warned Thursday that America will remember the tally when other nations ask it to continue funding the UN at a disproportionate level
* Diplomats expected strong support for the resolution – which is symbolic and nonbinding

In an emergency session, the United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to condemn the U.S. for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and pledging to relocate its embassy there.

The vote was 128–9, with 35 abstentions. Only Guatemala, Honduras, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Togo joined the United States and Israel in opposing the measure.

The resolution is symbolic and nonbinding, and won't likely change President Donald Trump's course of action.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is who voted for (or against) the resolution .... UN votes 128-9 to reject US decision on Jerusalem (AFP).

More News On Today's UN Vote To Reject The U.S. Decision To Move Its Embassy To Jerusalem

The Latest: Hamas praises UN resolution on Jerusalem -- AP
UN assembly declares US action on Jerusalem ‘null and void’ -- AP
Defying Trump, over 120 countries at U.N. condemn Jerusalem decision -- Reuters
UN votes 128-9 to reject US decision on Jerusalem -- AFP
Jerusalem: UN resolution rejects Trump's declaration -- BBC
Defying Trump, UN General Assembly Condemns US Decree on Jerusalem -- Depth New York Times
UN votes 128-9 to reject US decision on Jerusalem -- DW
UN rejects Donald Trump's move to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel -- ABC News Online
UN votes resoundingly to reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital -- The Guardian
U.N. votes 128-9 to criticize U.S. decision on Jerusalem -- Politico


B.Poster said...

While I believe clearly the right decision was made by team Trump in implementing US by pledging to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, given the opposition to this move it is not hard to understand why some have been reluctant to do this in the past. After all doing the right thing in the face of stiff and organized opposition requires a strong level of character. Few have such character.

I wonder how cutting aid to countries who didn't vote with us will work out. After all the aid is used to influence these countries. Without such aid we will lose our ability to influence them. Essentially countries that were somewhat friendly to mildly hostile may become extremely hostile to us causing us to lose whatever influence we had over them.

It also will likely accelerate the decline of the US dollar as world reserve currency all but ensuring the hard landing we want to avoid when it does happen. Less aid = less influence meaning others are going to be more likely to act in a hostile manner towards us. Doing the right thing in the face of strong, organized, and sustained resistance is very difficult. I hope and pray the American people and the American government have the character and intestinal fortitude to stay the proper course.

Anonymous said...

Bposter it's comments like this that make people quite sure you're Russian :)
Tell me: what was gained here? This is one of the most embarrassing moments the US had in front of the UN. And they must have seen this coming. It's hard to believe that any American would support this. It makes the Russian influence over trump more believable though. It's almost treasonous to isolate the US and alienate its partners in such a manner. It smells like foul play.

Anonymous said...

And sure enough right after vote I can see massive uptake in Russian IPs commenting on our servers all saying the same :
1. Trump did good
2. The US should get out of the UN and brake ties with its allies for disrespecting us
They say "us" as in they'd be Americans while they all have IPs from VPNs and proxies or Russian IP addresses. Common try harder this is so lame

To me it's becoming clearer and clearer this is a Russian plot..there's nothing to be gained for the US to act like that in front of the UN and now these Russian trolls pretend to be Americans and comment that we (them claiming to be Americans) should get out of UN and dismantle the building and kick our allies. Russia has to stop this ffs

fred said...

It is not unusual for one or more on the Security Council to veto actions others want taken...the US does it often. The problem, though, whether you agree with the UN motion or not, is that our representative threatened with We are taking names and the president said We might cut off aid to those opposing our view on this issue. The UN has always voted against anything Israel does or wants done--23 Arab nations vote; but for us to use threats is the worst sort of bullying and ill becomes a super power.

Jay Farquharson said...

Anonymous said...

Fully agree. Haley should be fired yesterday already. What the hell was she thinking to treat other nations' leaders and representatives like this?
Of course they say no. could they agree with you and face their own people after this?
Please fire her

Hans Persson said...

Haha a bunch of annons saying its a big russian collusion.. How original.

This is a decision made years ago.
And UN money meant to influence nations? Give me a break, you clearly see by this vote that this "influence" isnt there.
It will be such a joy watching the outcry when money gets cut to nations whos expecting it for no return.
Same goes to NATO. I have never understood how countrys always demand, demand and demand but never put his share on the table.


Anonymous said...

Hans you should read up a bit on Nato. usually comment well but you're obviously not informed about nato

Hans Persson said...

Thank you. It was early and I tend to get irritated, before my first cup of coffee, in the mornings.

However, on what aspect on NATO am I wrong? That countrys who fail the 2% quota keep ignoring it, while nonchalantly expect everything from the US?
Btw, I know that the UN and Nato isnt the same thing, if that is what you where referring to. :)
It was just another example on how the ignorant European countrys behave towards the US.