Thursday, December 21, 2017

U.S. And China Preparing For All Hell Breaking Loose In North Korea

US military drills in South Korea have increased in an unprecedented way. Flickr/Marines

Business Insider: The US and China are preparing for all hell to break loose in North Korea

* Both the US and China have been taking unprecedented steps as tensions ramp up along the Korean Peninsula.
* China has prepared refugee camps and information for citizens to help them survive nuclear attacks and has expanded its offensive capabilities with its air force.
* The US has stepped up military drills, practiced air raids, and reportedly started preparing to seize North Korea's nuclear weapons by force.

As tensions rise to historic heights on the Korean Peninsula, both the US and China have begun taking unprecedented steps to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Across North Korea's border in China's Jilin province, state-run media ran a full-page instructional package on how to survive a nuclear blast. The page doesn't mention North Korea, but it doesn't need to.

Also new in Jilin are five new refugee camps built "because the situation on the China-North Korea border has intensified lately," a leaked document seen by The New York Times said. The camps could accommodate thousands of North Koreans who might pour across the border in a time of war.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Hope for the best .... prepare for the worse. That about sums out the current strategy on what to do with North Korea.

Update: This is raising alarm bells (again) .... Exclusive: US making plans for 'bloody nose’ military attack on North Korea (The Telegraph). More here .... US preparing ‘bloody nose’ attack on North Korea (NYPost).


Anonymous said...

The sad thing on a humanitarian level is this:

The North Koreans civilians will be killed in huge numbers. Why? Because the US needs to take out -all- known launch sites, and needs to on top take out the mobile launch sites (mobile launch systems provided by China). This means we'll see an extremely "bloody nose "(an understatement really ) that we haven't seen since the first shock and awe programs. Kim of course has many of the static and mobile systems close to schools. And he will ask children to keep going to the schools. The US cannot even risk one icbm to be launched. Can you imagine the amount of Bombardement required for that? And the amount of rapid follow up invasion? To me,what China has enabled and even caused to happen here is a capital crime against humanity we will only fully understand in years to come when we see how many concentration camps abs maas graves there are in North Korea. Millions might potentially die on the north Korean side alone because China just had to keep prepping up this madman and sell them military technology. It's on the exact same level as selling weapons to Hitler. Only with nukes. To me, China has demonstrated that it not only cannot lead the region, let alone the world, but must not be allowed to do so. The international community really has to pay attention to what China did here and hold them accountable to clean up this mess together with the US and no longer oppose the US. For what? A buffer state against the Western influence even if it means concentration camps? Again the similarities to nazi Germany and its enablers back then. World, wake up!

Anonymous said...


Deiconik said...

I appreciate your perspective. Just remember there are no 'good' guys. Hitler's war machine was built with American steel. Stranger still, NK tech bought from China was delivered to China via Clinton.

All the world is a stage.. that, or our well educated, wealthy.. political class of lawyers.. are actually just clinically retarded. Take your pick.

Deiconik said...

War is a racket.. good book by Smedley Butler.

The 'hope for the best' is just for us proles. The owners of every damned thing on this planet already know where this is headed.. because they fund both sides.

I was born in 1984. It seems human behavior changes so little that I may as well have been born in 1948. I am part of a psychopathic species that enables religion, political belief, and governmental authority to dictate our civil war as a species.

Anonymous said...

Maybe time to cancel the Olympics?

Anonymous said...

Deiconik.. I think to vaguely remember that from history class that US sold steel to Germany until some point. ..fair comment. ..but I also remember that the US 1) also declared war on Germany 2) paid in blood with their sons who were sent to fight during D day - one of the largest battles ever. So to me the US is on a completely different level than China. ...China can only save its standing in front of the world if it makes good on its mistakes (greed) and take care of the problem they helped to create. Plus. ..if China were to invade north Korea they get to keep it as their dear buffer state against us "evil westerners"

Anonymous said...

Hehe yeah you're right. I always have to think that we live on an iron clump covered thinly by earth and an even thinner layer of atmosphere, hurling through space at about 67,000miles/hour and fighting over sh*t like that and raping (weinstein) and killing our own (Kim jong-Un, Hitler, etc etc long list) wonder aliens stay clear of us..we're fing mad :)

Bob Huntley said...

When I see The United States and Nazi Germany in the same writing it reminds me of my grade 12 History teacher. He loved putting questions in tests and exams that started with "compare and contrast" this and or that because it forced you to discuss all sides of the subject.

When Nazi Germany invaded a country there were no ifs and or buts. They invaded, destroyed, and killed military and innocent non combatants, children etc alike.

The United states, since 1945 has subversively disrupted numerous countries, following up with armed incursions and invasions all the while promising that they were going to free the people from onerous regimes, that they would help the people with rebuilding, better education, healthcare and life generally. What they delivered and are delivering was and is destruction, death including combatants as well as innocent non combatant people, citizens, children.

From that perspective the difference between Nazi Germany and the United States is honesty versus the lack thereof.

Take your pick.