Saturday, December 23, 2017

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Orders Review Of Obama-Era Hezbollah Investigations

Politico: Sessions orders review of abandoned Hezbollah-linked drug prosecutions

Inquiry follows POLITICO report that potential cases languished amid Obama drive for Iran nuclear deal.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered the Justice Department to dig into allegations in a POLITICO report that a series of potential drug prosecutions related to the pro-Iranian militant group Hezbollah were abandoned as the Obama administration pressed to strike a deal with Iran over its nuclear program.

Sessions indicated that he was troubled by allegations that Project Cassandra — the Drug Enforcement Administration's drive to target Hezbollah's foray into drug trafficking — ran into high-level roadblocks that stymied many of the cases agents wanted to bring as well as efforts to get suspects extradited from overseas to the U.S.

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More News On U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Ordering A Review Of Obama-Era Hezbollah Investigations

Sessions wants review of Obama-era Hezbollah investigations -- Washington Post
Sessions orders DOJ review after report Obama administration gave Hezbollah a pass -- FOX News
Sessions orders review of Obama-era actions involving Hezbollah -- The Hill
Jeff Sessions Orders a Review of Hezbollah Drug Trade Handling, Department of Justice Says -- Newsweek


Rodger said...

This is but the tip of the iceberg of Obama Administration corruption.

Anonymous said...

Those investigations never seem to amount to anything. Hounding your predecessor always seems more vindictive and petty than real. Shame.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. But I guess it's really more about scoring political points and reminding the electorate that the other side isn't as good as they pretend to be

fred said...

ok. Rodger.
Since you have insights, tell us the rest!
Ps: the Nuke treaty, at the basis of this story, was to be cast aside by incoming president Trump. That has not happened as yet, and the GOP controlled Senate and House seem content to go along with what Obama and 5 nations had put into a treaty. Why the delay?

Unknown said...

"Those investigations never seem to amount to anything. Hounding your predecessor always seems more vindictive and petty than real."

So anon does not believe the Obama regime shut down the drug investigation and that Hezbollah imported no drugs.

Anything for the cause, I suppose.

Unknown said...

When you have John McShame, Lindsey Grahmnesty, Olympia Snow (of Bewilder Wildebeeste fame), Rubio (of the Gang of 8), Corker, Flake (appropriately named) etc you do not have a functional majority.

For example Glenn beck came out against Flake a year (2 at the most) after he was elected. He was very bullish on Flake for the 1st 6 months and had Flake on his show. Then Flake disappointed like the RINO he was. Glenn documents his reasons why. This was around 2 years ago before Trump. So to say that Trump has a majority in the Senate is laughable.

Olympia Snow has been a weak link since the 1990s. She is well known and widely despised outside of Maine.

McShame and Grahmnesty are like herding cats. They will take a contrarian view just to 'show' they are smart and independent and to be ornery.

What Senate majority are we talking about? One on paper?

fred said...

At the very least, the drug thing got trumped (pardon) for a nuke treaty...which would you prefer?
as for the curious recycling bin of odd things posted by AS...better left for dumping than for going through and trying to find some connecting meaning.

Anonymous said...

"So anon does not believe the Obama regime shut down the drug investigation and that Hezbollah imported no drugs.

Anything for the cause, I suppose."

Wonder how you deduced that from my brief comment. I expressed doubt that the investigation would amount to anything, not that there was not something to investigate. You inference meter must be set to high.

Unknown said...

In a political climate things uninvestigated and not proven are regarded by many as having never happened and by partisans of the faction that did the deed that was not proven as a cause to be angry if anyone mentions it even if they know it is true.

You anon seem to be of this latter group to me. Right now you just seem to be playing coy.

Unknown said...


I would prefer to intercept the drugs, hinder their nuke program, build anti-missile defenses defenses, devise a strategic bombing campaign in case of need, and let the Iranian elite know that we will not be satisfied with canon fodder. We would rather avoid more or less misled canon fodder and go after the elite that start any war.

Before Obama did his dirty deed Iran was on the ropes. The Iranians could not even in load ships in port. Now Obama gave them an infusion.