Sunday, December 24, 2017

U.S. Federal Judge: American ISIS Suspect Held In Iraq Has Right To Lawyer

Suspected Islamic State fighters detained at a courthouse in Qaraqosh, Iraq, this year. A federal judge has ruled that an American citizen detained as an “enemy combatant” has the right to a lawyer. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York Times

NYT: American ISIS Suspect Held in Iraq Has Right to Lawyer, Judge Rules

Calling the Trump administration’s position “disingenuous” and “troubling,” a federal judge on Saturday ordered the Pentagon to permit a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union to meet with a United States citizen who has been imprisoned in military custody for three months after being deemed an enemy combatant.

In a novel case pitting the individual rights of citizens against government wartime powers, Judge Tanya S. Chutkan of the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia also ordered the Pentagon not to monitor that conversation — and told it not to transfer the man, who is being held in Iraq, until the A.C.L.U. conveys his wishes to her.

A Syrian militia captured the American citizen in mid-September and turned him over to American forces as someone suspected of fighting for the Islamic State. The government has refused to identify the man, but officials familiar with the matter have said he is a dual citizen of the United States and Saudi Arabia who was born on American soil to visiting Saudi parents and raised in Saudi Arabia.

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More News On A U.S. Federal Judge Ruling That An American ISIS Suspect Held In Iraq Has A Right To A Lawyer

Pentagon must give access to American detained in Iraq - US judge -- Reuters
American accused of fighting for ISIS will get legal counsel, judge says -- CNN
American accused of fighting for ISIS must get a lawyer, judge rules -- NBC
Judge Sides With ACLU, Ruling American Detainee In Iraq Has Right To Lawyer -- NPR
Judge: Gov’t Must Give ‘Enemy Combatant’ U.S. Citizen Access to ACLU Attorney -- Daily Mail
ACLU Allowed Access To US Citizen Detained For Allegedly Fighting For ISIS -- International Business Times

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Would a German American who wore the German uniform for the Nazis be afforded a civilian trial? They would be in this day and age. It would be extended to them by unwashed liberals.

In my opinion Judge Tanya S. Chutkan of the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia is an imbecile and an Obama appointee (but I repeat myself).

I mean seriously how long does a person have to swear fealty to another foreign power, another state, before some complete and utter moron of a judge ceases and desists from giving an enemy combatant the full panoply of rights due to an American citizen?

In my opinion Judge Chutkan should be impeached and disbarred.

Isis members can now be stripped of Australian citizenship

UK 'has stripped 150 jihadists and criminals of citizenship'

Why is it that Leftists/liberals/Democrats are always the last people in the west to give up on dumb Leftist ideals? Australia revokes citizenship. Canada did away with birth tourism. Yet the Left persists. It persists for no other reason in this stupidity other than it is their way of obtaining, maintaining, and exercising power.

Does anyone doubt that she will protect Debbie Wasserman-Shultz on the Awan case?

"In summer 2017 Chutkan was presiding over the Imran Awan and Hina Alvi fraud case"