Sunday, December 24, 2017

U.S. - Russian Relations Conitnue To Deteriorate

Nicole Gaouette, CNN: Despite Trump's hopes, US-Russia relations are getting chilly

Washington (CNN)In the space of a week, the Trump administration has named Russia a "rival power," sanctioned a close Putin ally, and decided to give Ukraine anti-tank weapons to help in its fight against Moscow-backed militias.

It's a series of steps that has been paired with tougher rhetoric from the State Department about Moscow's destabilizing activities in eastern Ukraine, and serious charges from the Pentagon that Russia is intentionally violating de-confliction agreements in Syria.

The slew of actions highlights a decided turn away from the warmer, more cooperative relationship with Russia that President Donald Trump called for during his campaign and early in his presidency.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This U.S. decision is not going over well in Russia .... Russia Says U.S. Arms To Ukraine Will Escalate The War


RussInSoCal said...

Actually I think 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles will give Russian forces pause.

Unknown said...

How can this be?

The Left, Democrats, or Liberals tell us that Trump is Russia's puppet.

After all this and The Left has zero cognitive dissonance. Could it be that Leftists have a less of an IQ than a vegetable?

Scientists are showing that plants have IQs. Maybe Leftists are an evolutionary dead end.

Unknown said...

In news related to Russia, Russia, Russia, a new colluder has appeared on the radar screen.

The most respectable conspiracy theory in Washington

Perhaps Mueller should question Matthew Walther about Trump!

Anonymous said...

Russia has been very weak in its responce against amerikan aggressions, and I think this trend will continue.