Tuesday, December 19, 2017

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Dismissing Resignation Rumors As 'Ridiculous'

Business Insider: Tillerson abruptly leaves podium after dismissing resignation rumors as 'ridiculous' in awkward exchange with reporter

* Secretary of State Rex Tillerson abruptly left the podium while addressing reporters on Monday.
* The first question came from a French reporter, who asked him whether he'd already submitted a letter of resignation effective January.
* Tillerson said the question was "ridiculous" and ended the briefing.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was speaking to reporters Monday before meeting with French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, when a member of the French press asked him an awkward question.

"Bonjour, Monsieur Secretary," the reporter began. "Secretary Tillerson, have you already submitted a letter of resignation with an effective date in January?"

"That's ridiculous," Tillerson replied, according to a transcript posted by CNN.

Read more ....

Update #1: Tillerson resigning? Secretary of state says 'that's ridiculous' (FOX News)
Update #2: Tillerson: Suggestion that he's submitted resignation 'ridiculous' (The Hill)

WNU Editor: I love seeing how the media narrative is being spun each day. This weekend it was President Trump firing Robert Mueller by the end of this week. This afternoon it is U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson resigning in January. Later this week it will be Attorney General Sessions. During the Christmas holidays it will be back to Robert Mueller.


Anonymous said...

Wnu...to be fair, this administration has "lost" a lot of it's staff ...maybe even record breaking amount. .so any speculation is fair game and actually needed, given the crisis with north Korea, and soon China. The amateur times of the WH need to come to an end

Anonymous said...

@wnu check your captcha settings. They are way too high for a blog like this..you got more captcha than banks lol