Saturday, December 23, 2017

Venezuela Expels Diplomats From Brazil And Canada

Delcy Rodriguez, president of the National Constituent Assembly, talks to the media during a news conference in Caracas in August. (Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters)

BBC: Venezuela expels top Brazil and Canada diplomats

Venezuela has expelled the Brazilian ambassador to Caracas, Ruy Pereira, and Canadian charge d'affaires Craib Kowalik.

The move was announced by the head of Venezuela's powerful Constituent Assembly, Delcy Rodriguez.

Ms Rodriguez accused Canada of interfering in Venezuela's internal affairs and Brazil of violating the rule of law.

Canada imposed sanctions on senior Venezuelan officials a few months ago.

The decision to expel Ambassador Pereira may have been triggered by Brazil's recent complaint that President Nicolás Maduro was "constantly harassing the opposition".

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More News On Venezuela Expelling Diplomats From Brazil And Canada

Venezuelan leader wants Brazilian, Canadian diplomats out -- FOX News/AP
Venezuela starts expelling envoys from Canada and Brazil -- DW
Venezuela moves to revoke Canadian diplomat's status, accuses him of meddling -- CBC
Venezuela declares Brazilian, Canadian diplomats "persona non grata" -- Xinhuanet


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, wnu..thanks for this interesting blog!

Unknown said...

Brasil is the 800 lb gorilla in South America. Why anger them? sure they talked about human rights, but is the Venezuelan Left counting on Brasil not having the logistical capability of projecting power through the Amazon or along the north coast of South America?

B.Poster said...


Is Brazil really interested in anything that happens in Venezuela? Is Canada really interested? This is highly unlikely. Venezuela is simply not that important that either Brazil or Canada are going to spend much time worrying about them. With the discovery of fracking Venezuela is even less important. With an American president who not only embraces such technology but appears to understand the fraud of man caused climate change as the greatest myth ever foisted on humanity Venezuela is now even more irrelevant.

My first thought in reading the headline posted by the editor was "did Brazil and Canada do something wrong?" Most likely the Venezuelan leadership thinks they and their country are more important than they really are.

If so, this isn't much unlike the leaders of our country. Having the US dollar as world reserve currency as world reserve currency allows America to "punch above its weight" in world affairs. Since this is ending soon, the main goal of the leaders of our country needs to be ensuring a "soft landing."

Unknown said...

Countries are always worried about other countries on their borders, when those countries are acting aggressively or undergoing extreme stress.

Don't tell me about the Amazon. I've been there. I doubt you have.