NBC: Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Thursday referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on the meeting told NBC News.
Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the group of nations referred to also included El Salvador.
Two sources briefed on the conversation say that during the portion of the conversation about Haiti — which came at the top of the exchange that led to the “shithole” comment — the president questioned why Haitians should be given specific consideration.
“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” he said, according to our sources.
Someone else in the room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”
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WNU Editor: I would have used the word impoverished countries, not "s____ countries. But President Trump has proven himself more than once to be anything but politically correct.
These definitely aren't vacation destination countries, unless you are doing missionary work. You watch enough Vice documentaries you know he's right.
By any western yardstick he's correct, that's why his base still support him, doesn't p.c sugar coat it.
And they are turning our countries into shithole countries. I just can't see the point in letting them just to continue there same cycles. Arica middle east in particular. We need to help them on there soil- not ours!!
Take my hat off to him, too much political correctness in this world
It's not a question of political correctness, it's just flat-out disrespectful and especially coming from a man in the highest office of state.
Plus the broad stroke in which he implied the term. In any case, he is now denying he has said it.
The statement would have been correct. There is little I can add to the above posts. Personally it is not a term I would have used. Frankly there is no place in civilized discourse for such terms.
With that said I kind of wish he had said it. Sometimes such terms are the only things that can be used. His opposition definitely is not civilized or reasonable. As has been pointed out above, by admitting these people into our country we are turning our country into nations like theirs. To express another way, it makes no sense to invite people into your home who do not respect you will, trash your home, use your resources, strip your resources bare, and leave to find others they can consume. Also, these are hotbeds of anti-Americanism. Not only are those people like the other things but we can add they often don't like us and wish us harm. With a goal of making our country great it makes no sense to hold the doors open with open arms, big wet kisses, and all of our treasure to those who cannot help us achieve this goal.
While trying to help them on their soil is admirable, we need to help ourselves first. As any healthcare professional will tell you, you must first take care of you before you can be any good to anyone else. As any parent of a high achieving teen or young adult will tell you, you can lay the groundwork and offer the encouragement but it is ultimately to the kid/young adult to get it done. We've given mountains of aid to these people, sacrificed our own interests and the needs of our own enormously, and opened our arms wide to them and they are still basket case countries who have absolutely no appreciation for us and often hold us in contempt. We owe them NOTHING. At such time as they demonstrate an attitude adjustment and if we are able to help, then it might be worthwhile to revisit this.
I think Trump included San Salvador in there, but the Left wants to make it a racial thing.
The Left has to answer the question of
"How many impoverished people they want to take in?"
"How many impoverished people the U.S. can afford to take in?"
"How many impoverished people would come, if the U.S> took all comers?"
nounvulgar slang
an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place.
The Left is telling us that we must take in refugees and we can never send them back because their countries of origin are "an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant places."
So the LEft has validated Trump's comment.
If a Hispanic Mexican comes to the U.S. illegally and has carpentry skills, they are or could be a benefit.
If a Indian Mexican, who does not speak Spanish comes to the U.S. and has no trades skills, they are most definitely a drain on the U.S. While they are a drain on the U.S., but they do optimize the social and economic nest eggs of Democrat Party leaders. This local optima in an otherwise very suboptimal situation is why Democrat Party Leaders are so fierce on this issue.
It is a 3-way trade, where the Party leaders come out on top. Poor immigrants get benefits, vote for Democrats leaders, and Democrat leaders get power, social standing and wealth. Everyone else gets the bill.
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