Thursday, January 4, 2018

Chinese President Xi Addresses The Army And Tells Them To Not Fear Death

CNBC: Do not fear death: Strongman President Xi addresses entire China military

* Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed China's entire armed forces in a speech Thursday
* Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said at a news conference that "the security environment surrounding Japan is at its severest since World War II" due to nuclear threat from North Korea
* In his latest tweet, U.S. President Donald Trump took credit for talks between the two Koreas

Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed China's entire armed forces in a speech Thursday, in which he urged troops to show the "fighting spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death."

At a first-of-its-kind meeting for the whole People's Liberation Army, Xi spoke to more than 7,000 armed officers in Hebei province of northern China, reported state news agency Xinhua. In other parts of the country, over 4,000 branches of the military also listened to Xi's address.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This story is not receiving the coverage that it is due. Just imagine the reaction if President Trump had said the same thing .... "Orders the Army to prepare for war, and that they should not fear death".

More News On Chinese President Xi Address To The Army

Xi stresses real combat training -- Xinhuanet
China: President Xi Jinping Tells Army Not To Fear Death at Enormous Military Assembly -- Newsweek
Xi Jinping tells army not to fear death in show of China's military might -- The Guardian
President Xi tells military not to fear death and be ready to fight -- SBS News
Chinese President Xi Jinping orders army to prepare for WAR in chilling footage -- Daily Star


Caecus said...

Easy to say for Xi, he'll be sitting in a bunker

B.Poster said...


I will read the entire story time permitting. When reading the headline and the summary portion on your website, I had the exact same thought as you in your editor comment. The media, the elites, and the much of the punditry would be absolutely hysterical had president Trump made a similar remark.

I agree this is not receiving the coverage that it should. Again, I read the article in full time permitting but this sounds like a declaration of war from arguably the first or second most powerful country in the world. I certainly think people should be paying attention.

With that said I would expect POTUS to respond in some fashion to this. I would expect the media, much of the punditry, and the elites to focus like a laser on what POTUS says without giving any more than token acknowledgement to what the Chinese leader said if they give any acknowledgement to it at all.

POTUS's method of communicating has two basic advantages and one disadvantage. The advantages: 1.)he is able to bypass the media filter and speak directly to the American people helping him to get his message out without having it spun and twisted by the media and 2.)by bypassing the media filter he reveals that he is one of the few "leaders" in the "west" and the US who has some semblance of a grasp on reality. As an example, when the leader of NK points out he has a "nuclear button" threatening to attack the United States DJT responds by stating that he has a "nuclear button" as well and his is "bigger" and "actually works." Since DJT upgraded our nuclear arsenal as his first order of business as he stated and evidence to the contrary has not been presented, both statements are accurate and reflect a POTUS who is focused on defending American people. It sends a firm message to NK. Do not mess with us or there will be severe consequences for you and your people. It also sends a message to SK. DO NOT BETRAY US!!. In contrast, the punditry, the media, and much of US leadership is hysterical about what POTUS said rather than focus on the context what was said or on the threat posed by NK.

The disadvantage is that the media, pundits, and much of the leadership in their reply to the message often distort it and do not properly analyze the context of what was said or why it was said. Essentially the president lacks a "bully pulpit" like what his adversaries have. On balance, I would say POTUS's method of communicating works quite well.

Unknown said...

Death sucks. Soldiers can go to war knowing that they may die or stand a good chance of dying if the social contract is maintained.

Rulers often think they can do nothing but skim the cream off, shortchange the social contract, and they will get by.


Anonymous said...

Wnu absolutely. And just shortly after north Korea wants peace talks lol