Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Democrats Will Not Support Trump's Border Wall

The top of five of U.S. President Donald Trump's eight border wall prototypes are shown near completion along U.S.- Mexico border near San Diego, California. REUTERS/Mike Blake

Reuters: Democrats withdraw offer to fund Trump's border wall

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats said on Tuesday they had withdrawn an offer to fund U.S. President Donald Trump’s border wall, as tough negotiations over the future of young illegal immigrants known as “Dreamers” resumed in the Senate.

A day after the end of a government shutdown linked to wrangling over immigration, Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he pulled the offer because of what he said was Trump’s failure to follow through on the outlines of an agreement the two men discussed last Friday.

”So we’re going to have to start on a new basis and the wall offer is off the table,” Schumer told reporters. An aide said the offer was pulled on Sunday.

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WNU Editor: This is a shocking poll .... Harvard Poll: 81 Percent of All Voters Support Reducing Immigration Levels (NumbersUSA)


Anonymous said...

@WNU...on now, front page news :

"Analysis: Day of bombshells shows special counsel investigation has reached Trump and is nearing its end game"

I didn't even bother to click. Of course it's completely bull. Already been a year of nothing burgers and clickbait and hysteria on CNN. Let's see how long this "end game" will last. Haha and let's see if they'll ever retract and correct any of the accusations and innuendo made over nearly 18 months now.

RussInSoCal said...

Pure kabuki theater. Dems have never supported the wall. Never authorized a dime. Never negotiated in good faith. Never will. The’ll be swimming upstream come November. If they want their precious DACA, they’ll have to authorize funds for the wall.



Anonymous said...

The democrats are creating some strange "Hunger Games" scenario that gives migrants the idea that if you risk your lives and run the gauntlet and make it to this country then you will receive protection. This is exactly what Americans don't want to see, it's dangerous and wrong!