Sunday, January 14, 2018

Did President Trump Make The 'S---hole' Comment?

CNN: GOP senator: 'Gross misrepresentation' of Trump's 'shithole' remarks

Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue said Sunday that President Donald Trump did not use the phrase "shithole countries" during a meeting with lawmakers on immigration reform last week.

"I'm telling you he did not use that word, George, and I'm telling you it's a gross misrepresentation," Perdue told moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week."

During an Oval Office meeting on immigration Thursday, Trump expressed frustration with people coming to the United States from "shithole countries," sources told CNN.

Trump has denied making the vulgar remarks, tweeting Friday: "The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!"

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue and Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton are saying that President Trump did not say those words. Sen. Tim Scott says that fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who was at the meeting and who is not a fan of the President, told him the reported comments are "basically accurate." No comments from Sen. Lindsey Graham since this story broke out. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen who was at the meeting is saying that she did not recall Trump saying "that exact phrase." As of this moment .... the only Senator who is on the record that President Trump said the 's---hole' comment is Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin and an anonymous Democrat aide who was told of the remarks (from Senator Dick Durbin?) and who in turned told it to NBC who then blew up this story .... Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries (NBC).

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit is right on this one ....

.... If the reports were true, they were a breach of confidence regarding a private meeting. If they’re false, they’re something worse. Either way, how can Trump feel he’s dealing with Democrats on immigration in good faith, if they’re willing to either breach confidence or lie?


Anonymous said...


Your subtle acts of trolling have grown tiresome WNU editor.

MAGA! Way to go rubes!

Unknown said...

1) The media on the Left are reporting this as a racial issue.

I am not aware that the people from El Salvador and from Africa are of the same race.

Trump obviously frustrated rattled off the countries admitted to the U.S. under the 'US refugee protection system'. That is not racist.

2) Hellhole and S***hole are pretty well synonymous. One is more vulgar, but people whose homeland is described as such would pretty much be just as angry with a slight edge to the latter.

Lindsey Graham and many Americans have used the terms.

"Lindsey Graham called Mexico, other countries ‘hellholes’ in 2013 immigration debate"

That would make Mr Lindsey the opposite of a stand up guy. He is on tape using the slightly nicer term. Trump said this (if he said this) at a private meeting. This is making people very frustrated with Mr. Lindsey and calling him to primaried.

Let's talk decorum. Longtime Democrat party operative McAuliffe and former =Virginia governor went on the air with Mr (Tingle up my leg) Chris Mathews and said he would like to physically assualt the president. So much for high society and decorum.

3) Let's look at the travel test. If a relative says they are going to visit some of these places, don't their friends and relatives get worried? Yes they do! So the description of Hellhole is well deserved, if not always politic.

P.S. El Salvador is so nice. We have had a rash of MS13 related murders from illegal immigrants/dreamers. The U.S> murder rate should be much lower.

James said...

Well if he did say that, the then Vice President Joe Biden would say "That's a big f**king deal"!

RussInSoCal said...

And this particular simple "anon" troll is "tiresome".
/Sounds almost like someone I know quite well... ;)

Its very likely Trump didn't say the super scary bad words. The super scary bad words that sent progressives into screen-spittle mode.

I often call a shithole a shithole when its a shithole. There's a long list.

The whole thing was given flame by the detestable political hack and whore, Dick Durban. Who during the Gulf War (2005) had to apologize for recorded remarks comparing US troops to, "Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others". Over the such-harsh conditions at GITMO for Muslim terrorists.

Shithole-Gate is a nothing burger. Like all the other fake, trumped up, crash and burn leftist freakouts we've seen over the last 2 years.

The trolling isn't done here by WNU. Its done by the likes of anonymous snowflake, drive-by halfwits like yourself.



Jay Farquharson said...

Trump and his enablers, are showing exactly who they are.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same. That rubes guy sounds like Jay or Aizino lol

Pretty pathetic to be so desperate

Unknown said...

1) Dick Durbin does not have a good track record.

"Dick Durbin Calls U.S. Troops “Nazis”, “Soviets”, “Pol-Pot”-like"

"Flashback: That Time Dick Durbin Made Up A Story About A GOP Leader Insulting President Obama"

2) Ms. Lindsey Graham called Mexico a Hellhole. There is not much difference between a Hellhole and a s___hole.

3) When a person's relatives visit one of those Hellhole countries, there is more concern than say if they visited say Japan. There is a legit reason for that and if a person says otherwise they are being mendacious.