Wednesday, January 3, 2018

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Has Given An Order To Open Border Hotline Between Two Koreas

Reuters: N.Korean leader orders border hotline with S.Korea reopened on Wednesday

SEOUL, Jan 3 (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has given an order to open a long-closed border hotline with South Korea at 0630 GMT on Wednesday for talks, an unidentified North Korean official announced in a televised statement.

The talks would aim to establish formal dialogue about sending a North Korean delegation to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea next month, the official said.

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WNU Editor: Why .... after years of hostility and threats .... North Korea is now scrambling to establish better ties right now?


JAC said...

Now, NoKo needs time for his mass production.

D.Plowman said...

"Why .... after years of hostility and threats .... North Korea is now scrambling to establish better ties right now?"

Maybe Kim believes he has the firepower to backup any negotiations he wishes to conduct.

Anonymous said...

Trump has turned up the heat in the kitchen so fat boy will now use the South Koreans to delay and buy more time to perfect his ICBM’s.

James said...

Well of course:

jimbrown said...

Good sign.

Anonymous said...

Trump has turned up the heat in the kitchen so now fat boy is using South Korea to delay and buy time to perfect his ICBM's.

Bob Huntley said...

Why? Because he was approached by SK.

"The statement came a day after South Korea proposed high-level discussions with North Korea following Kim's earlier New Year's address, in which he said he was open to speaking with Seoul. (Reporting by Christine Kim; Editing by Paul Tait)"

Perhaps he just trying to p'off the US, like maybe Peace. Just wait until Trump lays out the conditions for such talks.

Jay Farquharson said...

Facing nuclear war on the Korean penninsula, both the NORK's and South Korea realize that in the era of Trump, the adults should talk, and leave the children out of it.

The current state of the Trump Administration,

Young Communist said...

First goal achieved.

North Korea 1 - USA 0

Now rest time before second game.

fazman said...

Buying time, creating a diversion and causing division, the adults are falling for the oldest play in the book. Luckily the kid is in charge.

AZuLike said...

Maybe it's just to order food.

B.Poster said...

According to a survey in the early 2000s 34% of South Korean military officers viewed North Korea as the primary threat. 33% of them viewed America as the primary threat. Apparently the other 33% chose to remain silent perhaps waiting to see who might get the upper hand before deciding which position to take.

While I cannot be certain, I suspect current positions have not changed. If anything, given the current level of anti-Americanism that exists worldwide, I suspect the US has even less support in South Korea than it did in the early 2000s.

What position does the current South Korean leadership hold? If they are of the faction that views America as the primary threat, they will likely select more people who are like minded for positions of authority.

South Korea has never been a good ally. In the current environment, it's only a matter of time before they betray us.

Some seem quick to declare "victory" for one side or the other. If this can lead to the easing of tensions with North Korea and a concrete path to finally be able to redeploy our forces currently in South Korea to positions away from country and to posiions that make more sense for American security, this would be a positive development. A victory for America if you will.

For South Korea to be taken seriously by North Korea, they are going to need their own domestically developed and controlled nuclear arsenal. Without concrete efforts at moving in this direction American support for these chumps should end immediately. Once we are freed from the South Korean net drain on our resources, we will be far less encumbered in our dealings with North Korea. Such a situation would make a negotiated settlement to end the conflict between America and North Korea more likely.

Jay Farquharson said...


You are starting to sound like:

B.Poster said...


What is so funny. The possibility of South Korea betraying us is a serious one. I have recognized this possibility since the early 1990s. It's hardly anything new.

If I were POTUS, one of the chief things that would keep me up at night is the concern that South Korea, Japan, Poland, and the list could go on of "allies" could go on might do something to get the United States drawn into a war that does not represent its interests and places the American people in grave danger all for things that do not serve our interests.

When US government officials buddy up to such people, it is cause to concern. We tend to be far to trusting. I'm not saying don't help the South Korean people but their government and its officials need to be treated with extreme caution. Perhaps you think this is funny because Canadians face no serious danger, have lifestyles that American don't dare dream of having, and you really seem to hate and despise us. As such, perhaps you enjoy seeing us get hurt and are thrilled to see us chained to such an unreliable ally as South Korea.