Friday, January 5, 2018

President Trump Is Not The 'First Quirky' President In The White House

CNN: Trump isn't the first quirky resident of the White House

A new book about the Trump White House reportedly reveals the private eccentricities of a president with an outsize public persona; according to excerpts of journalist Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" published in New York magazine, President Donald Trump has domestic quirks that extend from housekeeping oddities to his well-known fondness for McDonald's cheeseburgers.

The book has not been released yet, and there is little way of confirming how much of it is true. But when writing my book "The Residence," about the approximately 100 men and women who work as chefs, maids, ushers and florists on the White House residence staff, I heard many strange stories. Some of them were disturbing, but they also made iconic presidents and first ladies more human.

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WNU Editor: Nothing on the Obamas?


Unknown said...

"Nothing on the Obamas"

Nothing on the Obamas except Paeans. Otherwise, that would be racist!

B.Poster said...


I think you nailed it. To question anything Obama runs the risk of being branded as "racist." As you probably know, there are few things that kill a career faster than being branded a "racist."

With that said I think there are other factors at work here as well. Barack Obama as the first African-American president in US history enjoys a vast reservoir of goodwill among the American people. While many disagreed with much of his policy positions, only a scant few with any real influence actually dislike him personally. In contrast, there are number of very powerful and influential people who actually loathe, hate, and despise Trump. Also, saying anything unkind about him true or not essentially costs nothing and the potential upside is huge. To say any such things about Obama carries with it huge downside risks along with little to no upside potential.

As for the books itself, I doubt they will make much difference. Essentially they are unlikely to win any new converts to their cause, however, I am sure they will reinforce the views of those opposed to Trump UNLESS the author can produce any hard evidence such as the recordings he says he has. IF he had such things, we would have already seen/heard them. As such, it is unlikely that they exist.

If DJT were a private citizen, the author and Mr. Bannon would likely face massive lawsuits and ridicule. As POTUS, DJT may not have this option even though he is apparently trying to pursue it.

Unknown said...

Bannon will not survive.

By this I mean the following.

He will cease to be a though leader or any other type of leader. He will have destroyed his brand.

Many of us are all for bomb throwing, the bull in the china shop, etc, but there had better be truth behind it.

(1% won't cut it. Maybe 20%, but more likely north of it say 1/3rd or 1/2. People are so unhappy with proper people like Jeb Bush being so proper they are door mats for the Dems.

I am not sure that Bannon can survive the Wolff book. His social circle will get much smaller. As a result his health will fail.