Friday, January 12, 2018

U.S. Army Investigating Afghan Combat Video

Politico: Military investigating shooting in newly leaked Afghan combat video

U.S. commanders have launched an investigation into video footage that appears to show an American service member firing into the cab of a civilian truck as the two vehicles pass on a road in Afghanistan, an action that could have violated the military’s rules of engagement and may hamper the alliance with the Afghan government.

The shooting briefly appears during a gritty montage of combat footage allegedly recorded by U.S. troops battling the Islamic State’s Afghan affiliate. An anonymous user recently uploaded the video to YouTube under the title “Happy Few Ordnance Symphony,” then quickly removed it.

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WNU Editor: This video reminds me of the videos that the Islamic State posted when they rushed to seize a third of Iraq in 2014 .... driving by cars and shooting at the drivers and passengers.

More News On U.S. Army Investigating Afghan Combat Video

CentCom Reviewing Video of Shotgun Discharge on Afghan Civilian Truck --
Pentagon Concerned About Video Showing Alleged Shooting of Afghan Civilian -- Voice of America
US military probes video of possible shots at civilian truck -- Washington Post
Military Investigates Leaked Afghan Combat Video -- Zero Hedge
US Army investigates video showing troop 'firing weapon at civilian truck' in Afghanistan -- International Business Times


Hans Persson said...

I've seen this "combat" video. It is very interesting, there is only a handful combat-footage videos involving Special Forces. All of them is very interesting.

This particularly moment in one of these videos was explained by experienced people, after getting some heat from users about brutal use of force, that this is a common use of shotguns with beanbags against drivers who doesnt move aside and letting a military convoy pass. It is a hard lesson for the driver and they will probably let them pass the next time.
It was also explained that its either this or exposing the whole convoy for an ambush.

Then we can all sit here in our chairs in front of a screen and decide what is morally right or wrong.

Unknown said...

Troops would light up a car, but only after they waved them off, fired flares and shot across the bow (in front of the car).

After several years of war, you would think that civilians would know about convoy procedures and would move over automatically. They would learn from official government pronouncements, experience or word of mouth.

Maybe the drivers know this, but some have been threatened by the Taliban or ISIS to break the law. The Taliban would win, if the driver does the wrong thing knowing it is thew wrong thing and buys the farm. The Taliban get a propaganda victory. They also win if the U.S. troops quit making people pull off the road. Then the become VBIED bait again.