Thursday, January 4, 2018

U.S. Officially Suspends Security Aid To Pakistan

Reuters: U.S. suspends security aid to Pakistan over militant groups

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States said on Thursday it was suspending an undisclosed amount of security assistance to Pakistan, which two officials said was worth more than $255 million, until Islamabad takes action against the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network.

The U.S. State Department announced the decision, saying it reflected the Trump administration’s frustration that Pakistan has not done more against the two groups, which have long used sanctuaries in Pakistan to launch attacks in neighboring Afghanistan that have killed U.S., Afghan and other forces.

The department declined to say exactly how much aid would be suspended, saying the numbers were still being calculated and included funding from both the State and Defense departments.

Read more .....

WNU Editor: There is going to be blow-back to this suspension of aid .... unless the U.S. has already warned Pakistan that this is the first salvo if they decide to escalate .... and I can think of a whole bunch of measures that can be implemented .... restrictions on visas, economic restrictions, etc.. Today it was this .... U.S. Places Pakistan on Watch List for Religious Freedom Violations (Reuters).

More News On The U.S. Officially Suspending Security Aid To Pakistan

US suspends security assistance to Pakistan -- CNN
Trump administration to withhold aid to Pakistan -- Politico
Trump admin suspends security assistance to Pakistan -- The Hill
Trump, Citing Pakistan as a 'Safe Haven' for Terrorists, Freezes Aid -- NYT
President Trump Withholding $255 Million in Aid From Pakistan -- TIME


Anonymous said...

Pakistan has been a terrible partner in the fight against terror.

Pakistan needs to decide if they want to be a secular, modern, inclusive state, or one in which religious minorities are bombed on a weekly basis, and where corruption and theft and kidnapping and extortion continues to be their future.

Sadly, knowing some Pakistanis and how deeply religious/Muslim they are, I don't see a good ending any time soon. The scary thing is, almost all I know are electrical engineers and good at what they do. ..very brainy and talented. But as soon as you talk religion and Quran with them, the brain shuts down and they just 100% believe all this nonsense and become -very- agitated if you point out the certain things mentioned in the Quran could have never happened. Like the splitting of the moon... they believe it

Jay Farquharson said...

"Less than a day after President Trump slammed Pakistan on Twitter for failure to combat terrorism, stating, "It's not only Pakistan that we pay billions of dollars to for nothing, but also many other countries, and others," and after it was revealed that the US will withhold $255 million in aid, Pakistan's central bank announced it will be replacing the dollar with the yuan for bilateral trade and investment with China. "

That's $20 billion a year in yuan now, not dollars.

Anonymous said...

About time. Trump has balls the size of watermelons.

Anonymous said...

goodbay afganistan

Anonymous said...

Let China deal with Pakistan. Enjoy, China. Lol another terrible decision by them to move into this vacuum. Not every opportunity is worth pursuing

China - as a state in which no religion is really tolerated - and especially not Islam, will find out very soon what Pakistanis think of them lol

Jay Farquharson said...

The US ain't leaving Afghanistan, ever.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous the first commenter, go here for splitting of moon one one-