Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Is The EU Always Willing To Appease The Regimes In Cuba, Iran, Russia, And North Korea?

European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini (L) and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif wait for a meeting with officials from P5+1, the European Union and Iran at the Beau Rivage Palace Hotel in Lausanne March 31, 2015. REUTERS/Brendan Smialowski/Pool

Eli Lake, Bloomberg: Europe's High Representative for Appeasement

Iran, Cuba, North Korea and Russia have a friend in Brussels.

If Federica Mogherini didn't exist, the world's autocrats would be trying to invent her.

As the European Union's high representative for foreign affairs, she is a tireless advocate for engaging rogue states. Few diplomats though have pursued this kind of engagement with such moralizing puffery. In Mogherini's world, diplomacy with dictators should not aim to transition these countries to open societies, but rather to prevent conflicts at all costs.

Just consider her trip last week to Cuba, a plantation masquerading as a nation-state. Did Mogherini use her visit to call attention to the struggle of human rights activists or to comfort the families of political prisoners? No, Mogherini was in Cuba to reassure a regime that Europe will not go along with America's trade embargo.

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WNU Editor: Federica Mogherin is following a long European history of dealing with despotic regimes. The only difference now is that she is a women.


Hans Persson said...

I have often thought about this.
For example: Sweden is one of the countrys that still has an embassy in NK and NK in Sweden. It still baffles me.
I always come to the conclusion that most of these european countrys are more or less "infiltrated" by these regimes. On every level.
In Sweden, for example, we recently had a scandal where our minister of housing were best friends with islamic extremist groups.

And this is just in our small country. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg..

Carl said...

Ah, yes. The ever moralizing, self righteous Eli Lake, telling us how we should judge foreign governments. I guess he hasn't noticed that the great moral crusade of democracy that the neo-conservatives proclaimed at the beginning of the GW Bush era has been a total disaster, particularly for the people of the countries we aimed to "liberate." And now we have the same gang telling us how we're going to "free" the people of Iran and "liberate" the people of North Korea. I guarantee you these guys are determined to fight for freedom in Iran to the last Iranian, if that's what it takes, and the same for North Korea, only of course, in North Korea, a lot of South Koreans will die too, but so what.

fazman said...