Thursday, February 1, 2018

U.S. Officials Believe Syria May Be Making New Chemical Weapons

The Hill: US officials say Syria's Assad may be making new chemical weapons

U.S. officials believe forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad may be in the process of working on new, more refined chemical weapons, The Associated Press reported on Thursday.

Trump administration officials told the AP under the condition of anonymity that recent alleged attacks suggest Syria may be making new kinds of chemical weapons to possibly improve their military capability or evade international detection.

Officials also said it’s “highly likely” that Syria kept a stockpile of weapons after a 2013 deal to destroy the chemical program, the news agency reported.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: New chemical attacks are being reported .... Rebel Syrian area hit by third 'chemical attack' as Assad regime increases pressure on opposition (The Telegraph). The U.S. in turn is threatening military action .... US not ruling out military strikes after new chemical attacks in Syria: official (Digital Journal)

More News On Reports That U.S. Officials Believe Syria May Be Making New Chemical Weapons

US says Syria making new chemical weapons despite 2013 deal -- AP
U.S. says Syria may be developing new types of chemical weapons -- Reuters
Trump administration: Syria probably continuing to make, use chemical weapons -- Washington Post
Syria may be developing new chemical weapons, senior US officials say -- FOX News

US warns of renewed Syria gas attacks -- Al-Monitor


Anonymous said...

This is BS once, again. Why would Assad do the ONE thing that would bring US military action against him?

Unknown said...

Will the real Anon step forward.

At least two of them posted.

Doing something that brought military action once, does not guarantee that doing that same thing again will invite more U.S. military action.


Action #1: North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in 1972.
Response #1: The U.S. responded with military force.

Action #2: North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam in 1975.
Response #2: The U.S. did not respond with military force.

The difference? Democrat Party Politics. The DNC was in control in 1975.

Currently, the Democrats have the bully pulpit. The bully pulpit usually refers to the office of the president. I assert that it is the 4th estate. The the Left has the majority of the news feeds.

The Left/ DNC has the majority of the news locked up, when looking at TV networks or newspapers. There is a fight online and that is harder to account. The fight online is precisely why Liberals want to strangle it with laws having pretty sounding names.

Every time there is an intervention political capital is used. Each time it is done liberals will make sure there is a cost politically; they will get their pound of flesh.

Just because Trump did it once does not mean he will go after Syria for chemical weapons again. Now Obama was smart. He talked a bunch of ____, a redline, and did not back it up. So liberals had their #Redline so they could feel good, but they did not spend any political capital.

Hitting Syria again for violations, going to the well, is fraught with danger.

The pitcher goes so often to the well, that it leaves its handle or its mouth.
- Proverb, (Spanish)