Thursday, February 1, 2018

White House 'To Release' Secret Memo On FBI This Friday

FOX News: Trump to declassify surveillance memo, sources say – as Pelosi seeks Nunes ouster

President Trump is expected to swiftly declassify a controversial memo on purported surveillance abuses, sources tell Fox News, even as Democrats raise objections that edits were made to the document since it was approved for release by a key committee.

Those objections fueled a new round of partisan recriminations on Thursday, with House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi firing off a letter to Speaker Paul Ryan demanding the chairman of that committee, Republican Devin Nunes, be removed.

“Chairman Nunes’ deliberately dishonest actions make him unfit to serve as Chairman, and he must be immediately removed from this position,” she wrote.

But the objections don’t appear to be halting the publication plans.

The release is likely to come Friday morning, Fox News is told.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Today's media-political focus is on when will this memo be released. My money is on tomorrow, and it will dominate the media narrative for the weekend. But the report from the Inspector General for the Justice Department on all of these issues will soon be coming out .... and that is the report that all of us should be waiting for.

More News On Reports That The White House Will Declassify The Secret Memo On The FBI Tomorrow

White House 'to release' secret memo on FBI -- BBC
Trump to allow release of controversial memo: reports -- The Hill
White House works to release Republican memo amid warnings -- Reuters
Trump expected to approve release of memo following redactions requested by intelligence officials -- Washington Post
Trump seems close to letting GOP Russia memo out -- AP


Bert Bert said...

WNU Editor, do you put any credibility behind the info coming from 4chan/8chan's #Qanon? Seems like they have predicted some events weeks in advance.

War News Updates Editor said...

Bert Bert
Sorry, I have heard of 4chan/etc. via through comments on this blog. But I am not familiar with their reporting/commentary.

jac said...

The FBI disagree with Trump...what a surprise! The cherry on top of the cake is because the FBI is wrong, not Trump! Could you imagine the catastrophe if the "Russia" problem follow the same way?

Unknown said...

The FBI is made up of GS's & SES's, supervisors and workers.

Asserting or proving that some small cadre of SES's was corrupt as all get out does tarnish the FBI at least temporarily. But it is survivable for the

If the work ethic among the majority of mid-level and lower level employees is good, the institution can recover. White house administration always put their people at the top of each department and agency.

If an administration can be corrupt, it is a corollary that the top level of an institution can be corrupt.

Saying otherwise is just a political faction trying to avoid damage that rightfully accrues to them.

The political recriminations are not against the rank & file of the FBI. It is against the top level. At some point if the cabal at the top is not brought to account, the recriminations will go all the way to the bottom. The people want whistle blowers to root out this corruption.

Whistle blowing is dangerous amongst lawyers and law enforcement.Unless you bring down your corrupt adversary they will go after you.