Thursday, March 15, 2018

A Look At The Working Relationship Between U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis And President Trump

Phil Stewart / Reuters

Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic: James Mattis Has Somehow Stayed on Trump's Good Side

While the president has railed against other Cabinet officials, the defense secretary has avoided his wrath—so far.

President Trump undermined Rex Tillerson before firing him on Tuesday. He has railed against Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Twitter; chided H.R. McMaster, the national-security adviser, also on Twitter; and pushed back against claims by John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, that the border wall would never be built. But there is one high-profile Cabinet official who has never publicly been on the president’s wrong side: Defense Secretary James Mattis.

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WNU Editor:  U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis has stayed away from domestic politics .... more focused on running the Pentagon and overseeing America's military alliances and wars/conflicts. The Democrats have also given him a pass .... their questions to him have always been focused and his responses have always been straight forward. If he was directly involved in politics .... I am sure it would be a different story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finding an unbiased journalist these days is difficult. The President does not "undermine" the Sec. of State if he obeys his boss. He does not "rail" against cabinet appointees, unless they do not obey their boss. If these cabinet appointees can not obey their bass, they should bot accept the position they were offered. The President is in charge, not the Cabinet.