Monday, March 12, 2018

Is The Mueller Commission Prepariong To Charge President Trump With ‘Conspiracy To Defraud The U.S. Government’

Photo: Wikimedia/The White House

Washington Times: Mueller invokes unusual ‘conspiracy to defraud government’ charge to ensnare more targets

Special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors have invoked an unusual “conspiracy to defraud the government” charge to ensnare a Russian cyber network and could use the same legal strategy to go after President Trump and his associates, even if the conspiracy is not linked to a criminal act.

Although the president constantly denies any wrongdoing, Mr. Mueller’s 10-month long investigation has become the heart of the Trump-Russian election meddling saga, dominating headlines and leaving the White House tangled in conflict and controversy as additional charges have also been filed against four of his close associates — with further indictments likely.

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WNU Editor: If the above report is true, this entire case is going down a different track. For a more in depth read on what may be the approach of the Mueller Commission, go here .... About That Russia Indictment: Robert Mueller's Legal Theory and Where It Takes Him Next (Emma Kohse & Benjamin Wittes, Lawfare).


B.Poster said...

It appears the de facto coup against a duly elected POTUS cintinues. If I'm understanding this legal theory correctly, say someone finds information that they find interesting and they share it, then others share it, and later the powers that be find it undesirable any of the sharers of the information can then be prosecuted for "defrauding the government." It wouldn't matter if the information being shared happened to be true.

This seems irrelevant. The only things that seem to matter is that the powers that be were "defrauded" which appears to be a fancy way of saying the people didn't fall for the underhanded schemes of the deep state and now the deep state seems perturbed by all of this and soneone needs to go down. To add to this some of the information may have come from the created Russian villian. For someone to say something unflattering about the powers that be is a form of "defrauding." In other words, the efficacy of the underlying claim is irrelevant.

This seems somewhat bizzare. While bizarre but not surprising, it seems people have actually been successfully prosecuted using this approach. These seem to have been obscure cases. If this kind of chicanery could be used to oust a duly elected POTUS, no one is safe. A

At least, it would destroy the myth of an equitable American justice system once and for all. At that time, we could go about fixing the problem.

jimbrown said...

Plan b.
Mueller clearly has an anti Trump agenda. The 13 indictments found Trump guilty of being Putin's favored candidate. This is the drum they keep beating.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you trump supporters don't see we got a treasones POS for president...

Bob MUELLER will get to the bottom of it.

fred said...

Trump will not be dumped without the House, controlled by GOP, votes that course of action. If GOP loses the House, that may happen, but there will have to be charges to do this, and that is what the Mueller investigation is looking into. I have sufficient faith that Nothing will be done or attempted unless substantial evidence is there.
For all those bemoaning the Mueller investigation, recall that it is sanctioned, is filled with long-time GOP members and is going at a good and expected pace. We have so far seen how Trump and his believers fire those who seem unwilling to go along with this investigation, and we see how Nunes and others, ie, the gop committee, have tried to support Trump and Russia and close down the investigation. If nothing there, have Trump go to Mueller and testify...and oh, yes: show his never ending audited tax returns which perhaps will throw much light on what is taking place