Thursday, March 15, 2018

Kremlin Calls U.K. Nerve Agent Attack Allegations 'Insane'. Will Retaliate Against Diplomat Expulsions

RT: Putin ‘extremely concerned’ over UK’s ‘destructive, provocative’ stance in Skripal case – Kremlin

In his first public reaction to ex-spy Sergei Skripal’s poisoning, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was “extremely concerned” by the “destructive and provocative” stance of the UK, according to a Kremlin spokesman.

A “detailed discussion” of the current crisis in Russian-UK relations was held when Putin met with top officials from the Russian government, military and security services on Thursday, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said. “Extreme concern was expressed about the destructive and provocative stance taken by the British side,” the spokesman added.

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More News From Russia On Allegations That The Kremlin Launched A Nerve Agent Attack Against A Defector In The U.K.

Russia calls Skripal poisoning allegations 'insane', will retaliate against diplomat expulsions -- ABC News Online
Russian spy: Moscow vows swift response on expulsions -- BBC
Russia to retaliate 'soon' against UK with its own diplomat expulsions -- CNN
Lavrov warns that Moscow won't tolerate Western ultimatums -- TASS
Lavrov expects Skripal himself to clarify Salisbury incident -- TASS
Russian Intelligence Veteran Explains What's Wrong With Skripal Case in UK -- Sputnik
Russians’ view of spy poisoning: ‘We are the world’s scapegoat’ -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Britain is a shell of its former punchy self. They have eroded their defenses to laughing stock status. They are consumed with Brexit and political correctness. They have a shadow PM who has been a communist tool for decades. The EU is consumed with swindling the English.

Putin obviously saw the risks as in his favor. The EU and NATO are just a talk shop anyway on dealing with Russian aggression.

fred said...

They may be this or may be that but they all agree that Russians making not nice...and Russia but a shell of what it once was

War News Updates Editor said...

I would not say that Russia is a shell of what it once was (it really does not have a pleasant history). I would say .... it is different from what it once was.

fazman said...

I think Fred is referring to the Soviet Union juggernaut.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but they lost to that upstart batch of states that became Merika

Unknown said...

"it really does not have a pleasant history" - WNU

Russia was on par with the Europeans.

...then the Mongols came

Unknown said...

".and Russia but a shell of what it once was" - Fred

Shades of B Poster

B.Poster said...

"Shades of B Poster." I'm not sure what you mean by that. Actually I would agree with the editor. It is different from what it once was. While I'm we cannot know the outcome say of any war in advance, I'd it say it is militarily on par with America.

fazman said...

One dilapidated aircraft carrier?, is not equal

fazman said...

That's propaganda, you can thank the halt order, the decision to switch to bombing civilian.targets, and lack of fuel to engage in meaningful dogfight over Dover.
If that dolt wasn't running the show they'd all be eating sauerkraut.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

""Shades of B Poster." I'm not sure what you mean by that. " - B Poster

Of course you would not. You are not a native speaker and that has been apparent to many people for a long time.

People have literally posted me (taken me out behind the wood shed) and said do not feed the troll.

It is why I do not engage you often; you are a troll.

There are other reasons like for example you are our very own Lord Haw Haw.