Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Physicist Stephen Hawking Has Died At Age 76

BBC: Physicist Stephen Hawking dies aged 76

Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76, his family has said.

The British theoretical physicist was known for his groundbreaking work with black holes and relativity, and was the author of several popular science books including A Brief History of Time.

His children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today.

"He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years."

They praised his "courage and persistence" and said his "brilliance and humour" inspired people across the world.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: His work and legacy will live on.

More News On Physicist Stephen Hawking Passing Away At Age 76

Professor Stephen Hawking, renowned physicist, dies aged 76 -- The Telegraph

Stephen Hawking, Physicist Who Reshaped Cosmology, Dies at 76 -- Bloomberg
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has died at age 76 -- Business Insider

BREAKING NEWS: Professor Stephen Hawking is dead at 76 -- The Daily Mail

A brief history of Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time -- The Guardian

Obituary: Stephen Hawking -- BBC


Anonymous said...

:/ RIP

Anonymous said...

Will not miss him and his hatred of god and especially christians.

Hans Persson said...

Religion is a mental disorder.

Anonymous said...


Yet you are showing hate now... towards him.

Bit of a hypocrite aren't ya.

Anonymous said...

You better hope so when you pass on ha ha.

Anonymous said...

God takes care of him. He did not seem very happy already in this life.

Anonymous said...


Hans Persson said...

If you believe in a god, in this day and age, with all the sience and all the information for you to educate yourself with, youre not just ignorant; youre stupid or youre schizophrenic.

Just point me to ONE single evidence of the existence of a god.

*mic drop*

Anonymous said...

It is up to god to judge you. There are many evidences for god's existence (a big one are the many sources outside the bible that confirm that Jesus performed miracles, another thing would be the incredible coincidence that the apostles preached about Jesus miracles in the very same city he was killed in, if he had been a con christianity had not survived for an hour, on another level it would be the law that something must come out of something, nothing can be created out of nothing, just to point out a few arguments for god's existence) . But this is a war site and not a theological site (for existensial questions go to your local church or mosque).

I am confident in my own eternal life and if someone turns his back on god, it is their own loss.

Hans Persson said...

What evidence of miracles?

You brought up religion, not me, when you decided to trash someones condolences to Hawkings.

Anonymous said...

If you offend people in life why should they respect your death? For me I have no respect for this guy and the fact that he is dead does not change my opinion.

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

Worst miracles ever.

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

It's not a miracle that the Nazis lost.

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

Yes. On all questions.

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

So whatever I write, its a no?

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

I am not wrong on WW2. There is no way that it is a miracle that the nazi's lost the war. The nazis lost somewhere in late '41 and when the allies got the enigma machine and cracked the code. If that is the standard for your "miracle" I guess the next one, religion, is self explanatory. If there is a "one true god", why is there so many if them? Humans needs something to root for, like a hockey team, football team, the sun, a made up guy in the sky, anything to feel connected with something in order to "feel" complete. The lucky ones in any religion is the priest, or the head priests that gets all the benefits without doing any hard labor. Politicians of fantasy.

Unknown said...
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Hans Persson said...

Yeah, great miracles you bring up.

Unknown said...

If the Brits had lost 90% of the troops they ended up saving at Dunkirk, you think Britain had a chance then?

Unknown said...

1) You did not answer the question.
2) What do you have against gays?

I do not like their agenda. I think their lifestyle choice is stupid, but it will take 1 or 2 generations for them to figure that out on their own. But other than that what do you have against gays?

3) Everything Jay says is not true.