Saturday, March 10, 2018

President Trump Issues His Second Pardon In His Presidency

The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Alexandria (pictured) arrives pierside in its new homeport of San Diego

Politico: Trump pardons sailor in submarine photos case

President Donald Trump has pardoned a Navy submariner sentenced to prison for taking photos inside the classified engine room of a nuclear submarine, the White House announced on Friday.

Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier pleaded guilty in May 2016 to two felony counts, one for unlawful retention of national defense information and another for obstruction of justice, for taking cellphone pictures inside the Navy vessel and later destroying his own equipment upon learning he was under investigation.

“The president has pardoned Kristian Saucier, a Navy submariner,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced at a briefing with reporters. The Justice Department later confirmed the move.

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More News On President Trump Issuing His Second Pardon In His Presidency

Trump pardons Navy man who took illegal submarine photos -- AP
Trump pardons Navy sailor who spent a year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear submarine -- Daily Mail
DOJ takes new look at ex-Navy sailor's request for presidential pardon -- FOX News
Trump pardons Navy sailor who used 'Clinton defense' -- The Hill
Trump pardons submariner who took photos of classified sub & used 'Clinton emails' defense -- RT

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saucier will still have a hard time and that is probably just.

He will have such a hard time, I wonder if his marriage will survive.

Still I consider the pardon just.

If we are not going tom prosecute Hillary "ROTTEN" Clinton, the crook, then why prosecute Saucier.

Throw Peter Strzok, Comey and Mueller in there as well.