Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Saudi Crown Prince: OPEC And Russia Are Considering A 10-20 Year Oil Alliance

Photo from Bunkerist

Reuters: Exclusive: OPEC, Russia consider 10-20 year oil alliance - Saudi Crown Prince

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia and Russia are working on a historic long-term pact that could extend controls over world crude supplies by major exporters for many years to come.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told Reuters that Riyadh and Moscow were considering a longer deal to extend a short-term alliance on oil curbs that began in January 2017 after a crash in crude prices.

“We are working to shift from a year-to-year agreement to a 10-20 year agreement,” the crown prince told Reuters in an interview in New York late on Monday.

“We have agreement on the big picture, but not yet on the detail.”

Russia, never a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, has worked alongside the 14-member cartel during previous oil gluts, but a 10-20 year deal between the two would be unprecedented.

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WNU Editor: This alliance makes sense. For oil producers it is in everyone's interest that prices stay high, and the only way to control that is via through production cuts. But will this be enough to curtail American energy frackers .... I doubt it. And as for a 10 - 20 year alliance .... considering the history of oil prices, markets, and production .... I doubt that such a rigid arrangement will survive that long.


Anonymous said...

10-20 years is a very long time to hope the status quo remains.
US Fracking was a true lightening bolt out of the blue to OPEC. They seem to like complacency, can't blame them since they had 40 plus years of having it their way. Frackers have caused upheavals all over the ME and more fracking in other nations is sure to happen.

Anonymous said...

They are in a downward spiral. Russia needs a better leader. Putin in all his genius chess mastery didn't divest the Russian economy. And with that aging and shrinking (!) Population, but rising and rising hungry neighbours, Russia is in a death spiral downwards. If Putin tries to stay another 4 years. ...I don't know if Russia can survive it

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Russia always underestimated.

Welcome to sweden or any other western European country for that matter. Our populations are decreasing the whole time also and is only replaced by immigration from Mena countries.

The same with US except there it is immigrants from Latinamerica that will make up the majority in the future.