Friday, March 9, 2018

The Deadliest Air Raid In History Happened Over Tokyo 73 Years Ago

Business Insider: The US destroyed Tokyo 73 years ago in the deadliest air raid in history

* 73 years ago today, the US destroyed Tokyo during the deadliest air raid in history, known as Operation Meetinghouse.
* 300 B-29 Superfortress dropped several types of incendiaries, killing an estimated 88,000 to 200,000 people.
* But US history classes almost never mention it.

01:00 Hrs Local, Tokyo, Japan. March 9-10, 1945.

All of Tokyo is a funeral pyre.

Burning at over 1,100° Fahrenheit, rising flames create their own hurricane vacuum that inhales everything combustible to fuel the growing, miles-wide conflagration.

Fluttering to the ground in a wobbly topple incendiary bomblets continue to rain down from the night sky. These are not normal aerial bombs. The tiny bomblets are soft blobs of gooey, formless terror. They are E-46 chemical incendiary bombs or "fire bombs".

Read more ....

WNU Editor: For more information on  Operation Meeting House, you can go here .... Bombing of Tokyo (Wikipedia), or here .... The Deadliest Air Raid in History (Air & Space Museum).


Anonymous said...

And only one country I can think of that always and truly apologises. Others don't even care

jac said...

incendiary bomblets on a town made almost only with wood.... I'm surprised there is "only" 200,000 people dead in a more than 1 million town.

Unknown said...

It has always bugged/angered me that the 'usual suspects', heathen, unwashed and unenlightened ________ focus on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Tokyo was twice the amount of either Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

People remember Dresden, but not Cologne or Hamburg. There was no movie, so they were not 'told' to care.

There was no nuking of the USSR but 20 million people were killed (1 million Gulag)

There was no nuking or firebombing of China, but 12 million or more people died. Activists (activated people: It is like some high) talk about Hiroshima, but have not seen the Rape of Nanking except perhaps in passing.

People think firebombing and nukes are bad and have not seen the death toll at the edge of a gladius (say for example in one 'nation' in a decade). They have not seen the death toll across large regions of large continents that are on the order of 10% or 15% in a few years. But they have their latest campaign such as landmines that they can wear as a lapel pin showing that the care or emote or something. There people band aid things and take no real action.